The Mesothelioma Legal NY Resource Center is sponsored by the New York personal injury law firm of Banville Law, P.C. The purpose of this website is to inform you as to your legal rights, and to summarize the vast quantities of literature out there on asbestos exposure and developing the horrendous disease, mesothelioma. According to the CDC there were approximately 18,068 deaths caused by exposure to asbestos, which resulted in the development of mesothelioma from 1999 to 2005. Unfortunately, even today, construction workers, industrial workers, and general contractors are being exposed to asbestos containing products through demolition work, the manufacturing process, and part replacement.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a fatal form of lung cancer that is primarily caused by exposure to asbestos containing products. It usually takes many years from exposure before the disease manifests into malignant lung cancer or mesothelioma. Often the latency period is between 20 and 40 years from the date of exposure to diagnosis.
What Are Typical Symptoms Of Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a horrible disease that ruins many lives and families. The fatal lung cancer usually starts with symptoms that you might think are benign and may often have ordinarily due to age. Below is a list by the American Cancer Society of common symptoms that you will exhibit that may indicate you are in the early or even advanced stages of mesothelioma.
- Shortness of breath
- Pain in lower back or at the side of chest
- Swelling of your face and arms
- A feeling that your food is getting stuck
- Fever
- Excessive sweating
- Fatigue after minimal exertion
- A persistent cough
What Products Contained Asbestos?
Unfortunately many products throughout the 1900s, but in particular 1940 to 1990, used asbestos because of the heat absorption properties of the substance. Here is a list of some products that used to, and potentially still do, contain asbestos:
- Electrical Components
- Insulation
- Cement
- Brakes
- Gaskets
- Valves
- Appliance Components
- Roofing Shingle and Materials
- Ceiling Products
- Caulk
- Tiles
- Fire resistant products
For a more complete list, we encourage you to visit the Minnesota Department of Heath. If you or a loved one worked with these materials, and you are exhibiting any of the above mentioned symptoms, we strongly advise that you contact a lung doctor or pulmonologist immediately for an X-Ray to determine if you have been unfortunate enough to have contracted this fatal disease.
Typical Occupations That Were Exposed To Asbestos
As mentioned before, the greatest exposures took place from 1940 to 1990. OHSA has identified a list of approximately 75 occupations that were regularly exposed to asbestos and studies believe that 1/2 of them are currently living with an asbestos-related disease such as asbestosis, pleural thickening, lung cancer, or mesothelioma.
- Railroad workers
- Industrial workers
- Navy, Army and Service Men and Women
- Ship and Boating Repair
- Miners
- Mechanics
- Roofers
- Electricians
- Elementary and secondary schools
- Machinists
- Plumbers
- Contractors
- Engineers
- Manufacturing Workers
- Shipyard Workers
- Firefighters
- Mill Workers
- Factory Workers
- Boiler Workers
Also note, you do not necessarily have to have worked in one of these occupations to have been exposed. Just being around asbestos when others were working on it is considered exposure under the law. In addition, we have seen several cases of secondary exposure where the spouse of the primary exposed worker came home, and the spouse was exposed to asbestos through cleaning the husbands clothes.
What To Do If You Have Been Diagnosed With Mesothelioma?
At Banville Law, we know how difficult this time is for you and your family. We understand that you will be experiencing a range of emotions. Our mesothelioma lawyers regularly file claims against the large number of companies who were responsible for knowingly manufacturing products with this toxic substance. You have legal rights and you deserve to be compensated for the pain and suffering you are going through. You may be entitled to substantial financial compensation depending on your circumstances. At Banville Law, your health comes first. We ensure you are comfortable and we take all the pressures of the lawsuit away from you and your family as we fight to punish those responsible for your asbestos exposure. Contact us today for a free consultation on 917-633-4808 and an experienced mesothelioma lawyer will be here to help. Remember, you dont pay anything unless we win your case.
Where To File A Mesothelioma Claim?
Banville Law is located in Manhattan, New York. However, we serve clients in the following areas:
- Staten Island
- Queens County
- Kings County
- Suffolk County
- Manhattan
- The Bronx
- Queens
- Brooklyn
- Long Island
Many of the asbestos-related claims filed in New York are located in Long Island because this is where most of the state of New Yorks industry was located.
How Much Is My Mesothelioma Case Worth?
While every case is different based on the different levels of exposure, contributing factors, and other facts below is a list of recent Mesothelioma settlements and verdicts in the state of New York. Note that this is no guarantee that your case will be worth more or less than what is listed. For a more accurate assessment of your case and rights contact an experienced asbestos and mesothelioma attorney at Banville Law today on 917-633-4808. Also note that many cases never go to trial and are settled out of court. There are also several bankruptcy trusts set up by now bankrupt defendants who have allocated funds for those who have a claim against them.
- $3.7 million for Boilermaker exposed to asbestos
- $2 million for Building Maintenance worker with mesothelioma
- $9 million for a Power House electrician with mesothelioma
- $7.5 million for spouse who laundered clothes of husband who contracted mesothelioma
According to a recent report, the average settlement in a Mesothelioma case is about $2.5 million, and as stated before, several factors contribute to whether the number is higher or lower on a case by case basis.
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