Adverse Credit Mortgages - Mortgages, Remortgages & Credit

Get a Mortgage QuoteIt is estimated that mortgage arrears, bad debts, credit problems, and CCJs will mean that one in four people will find it difficult to obtain a mortgage or remortgage from a traditional high-street lender.

If you have a poor credit rating or a bad credit history caused by mortgage arrears, other late payments, or unpaid debts, this will affect your ability to get a mortgage or remortgage. Similarly if you have one or more County Court Judgements (CCJ) or defaults, many mortgage lenders will class you as a so-called sub-prime or adverse borrowerand therefore reject your application for a loan.

Even the increasing number of self-employed people in the UK may find it harder than they expected to obtain a mortgage or remortgage, particularly if they are unable or unwilling to provide three years accounts to prove their income.

If you find yourself falling into one of the above categories, there is a solution. Clean Slate Mortgages is here to help. We can help you find a mortgage lender who takes a more enlightened view of people with credit problems, or those who are self-employed and require a self-certification mortgage.

For more information, please see our guides to bad credit mortgages and self-certification mortgages.

Alternatively, you can use our online quotation service to request further help and assistance from an experienced adverse credit or self-certification mortgage specialist.

If you are not yet sure whether or not you have a good or bad credit rating, click here for information on the credit scoring process and how to obtain a copy of your personal credit file.

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