Cheap car insurance: compare car insurance quotes - MSE

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The cost of car insurance is predicted to rise 10% this year and shot up 5% between April and June so it's worth checking now whether you can lock in a cheaper price.

This guide explains the basics of car insurance, what to watch out for and reveals how you can slash the cost of cover in six easy steps. If you are under 25 check our Young Driver's Insurance guide for more.

Car insurance: The basics

At its most simple, car insurance covers you if your car is stolen or involved in a road accident. It also protects other road users if you cause damage to their vehicle or property.

The cost of insurance - your premium - is based on how much of a risk insurers perceive you to be. For example, if you are a youngster ready to hit the highway after just passing your test, or you have had more than a prang or two, you will pay more.

However, if you can prove you are not a risk by keeping accident-free and storing your car safely, you will pay much less.

How does car insurance work?

Excesses: What are they and how do they impact claims?

Third party, 'third party, fire and theft' and comprehensive: What is the difference?

Other vehicles: Does my policy cover me to drive them and can other people drive my car?

No-claims discounts: What are they and do they need to be protected?

Going abroad: What if I want to use my car overseas?

Buying car insurance

Applying for a quote: How honest do I have to be?

Got a car but hardly drive it: Do I still need insurance?

Mileage: What impact does it have on my insurance?

Accidents: Do I need to tell my insurer if I have a prang but don't claim?

Change in circumstances: Do I need to notify my insurer?

Young drivers: I'm under 25, is there a way I can cut my insurance premiums?

Now you know the basics of car insurance, follow our step-by-step guide to slashing the cost of your premium, starting with 10 car cover need-to-knows.

10 ways to cut car insurance costs

Did you know the average driver faces an annual insurance premium of £549, with drivers under the age of 25 paying more than £1,200 for their cover? Here are our top 10 car insurance cost-cutting tips that can save you £100s.

Don't assume third party is the cheapest

You would expect third party cover to be the cheapest because it is the lesser cover, just covering the person you bump into and their car. Yet dont expect car insurance to be logical.

With some insurers the mere fact you have selected comprehensive, which includes your car too as well as fire and theft, means you'll be assessed as a lower risk (based on actuarial history) and that can outweigh the fact you get more cover, to make it cheaper.

There are no hard rules here, its a matter of trial and error, yet if youre just looking for the very cheapest cover, never only check third party.

My auto renew quote was £210 for 3rd party only. I went to a comparison site and got comprehensive breakdown cover & free car hire with the same company for £40 less. Forumite DobbieSloan

Should I get third party or comprehensive cover?

A responsible 2nd or 3rd driver can cut costs

It may seem counter logical, but covering an extra driver can reduce rather than increase your cost in some cases by £100s or £1,000s. Here are seven quick tips on how to do it most effectively

  • Car insurance is all about risk. Thats why it can work. If youre a high-risk driver and you add someone who is a much lower risk as a 2nd (and/or 3rd) driver, they can bring down the average risk and you may get a cheaper policy.

  • This isnt just for young drivers. While it works well for young drivers (see our Young Drivers' Car Insurance guide) as they are automatically seen as a high risk and know many people, like their parents who may be lower risk, it can work for anyone but of course, it's especially powerful for those with costlier insurance.

  • The better the driving history and lower their risk, the more impact it should have. Those with a good driving record are likely to help make the most savings, but anyone who's a lower risk can help. By law insurers cant discriminate over gender, but age, driving experience and history can make a difference.

  • This is about trial and error, not logic. Your mum may increase the cost, your brother may cut it, or vice versa. It's just a question of trying different quotes and seeing what happens.

  • Different insurers respond in different ways. One may cut your costs adding your uncle, another may increase it. A quick way to check is by varying quotes on comparison sites it's easy to do, see our top comparison sites list below.

  • The second driver should be someone who would reasonably drive your car. So dont add Lewis Hamilton, unless you happen to be his brother (and even then racing drivers are likely a very high risk so I wouldnt bother) - but your mum, son, best mate or gran should be ok - as long as they would drive the car.

  • Never add someone as main driver if theyre not. This is known in the industry as 'fronting' and is fraud. If you do it and are caught, you can face a criminal conviction and your insurance will likely be invalid.

Here are some successes to get you started...

As a young new driver my insurer wanted £5,000 but after adding mum and dad it dropped to £1,900. @Faevouritexox

Took your advice and added my mum to my car insurance and saved £500 #mumstheword.@mazzyb5

Tweak your job description - some save £100s

Another quick win is tweaking your job description (legitimately of course). An illustrator is often cheaper than an artist, an editor than a journalist, a PA than a secretary.

Have a play with our Car Insurance Job Picker tool and see if small changes to your job description could save you cash. Remember, never lie as this will be considered fraudulent. If it worked for you, share your success stories with our forum users.

Thank you @MartinSLewis after rewording my job occupation on car insurance I have managed to save £400. @JenStaCreations

I did this too thanks to @MartinSLewis from creative director to marketing manager = saved £300+ Crazy world isn't it? @fabsternation

What if I am unemployed?

Beware paying monthly

A monthly payment plan for your insurance is essentially a high-interest loan. For example, if your premium is £1,000 but you are paying an APR of 25%, your insurance will actually cost £1,140 once you factor in the interest.

So either pay in full, or if you can't afford it, use a credit card with a lower APR rate (or better still, a 0% credit card for spending, ensuring your repayments are big enough to clear it within a year).

If paying by credit card, check if the insurer or provider charges a fee for doing so - though the fee is usually less than the interest charged on monthly instalments.

Never auto-renew. Loyalty is expensive

Nothing better illustrates car insurers preying on loyal customers than Sarah Cooper's tweet. "My car insurance renewal is £1,200. New policy with same company is £690. How do they justify this?" They don't. They just do it.

Insurers charge increasing amounts each year, knowing inertia will stop policyholders switching. If your renewal is coming up, jot it in your diary to remember it. Compare comparison sites and then call your insurer to see if it can match, or even beat, the best quote you found. If it can, you're quids in.

I hadn't had any accidents or incidents yet my renewal went up almost £200. I left and went elsewhere for £70 less plus £60 cashback.Forumite Zipman23

My auto-renew price for two vehicles including a 21-year-old named driver son on smaller vehicle was £1,024. I followed the advice given in the guide to get a better deal with Direct Line for £590. Forumite Rawhide

What will insurers charge me to stay?

How can I haggle?

Don't pimp your ride. Lock it down

For those over the age of 50, 'pimping your ride' involves decking it out with fancy alloys, windows and spoilers. The more changes you make to your car, barring security ones, the more you'll be charged. Always tell your insurer about any modifications and whether you made them or not, or it may invalidate your policy.

Even more savings are there for the taking if you can protect your vehicle by securing it. Fitting an alarm or immobiliser (especially one approved by Thatcham) will reduce the bill substantially.

What counts as a modification?

Only buy add-ons if you know their value

Insurers often try to sell you additional products such as windscreen or breakdown cover. Avoid buying these if you don't need them and, if you do, always check out the cost of the cover individually first.

Many insurers make a large mark-up by selling add-ons at higher rates than you can get elsewhere. Also, some of these add-ons may already be included in your policy, so read all the terms and conditions carefully.

Insurers can also throw in free add-ons (like those listed below) in your first year as a sweetener but after that you'll need to pay. To grab these freebies follow these three steps;

  • Make sure you switch insurers every year to avoid paying for add-ons.

  • Check what's on offer via comparison sites as insurers often have exclusive offers set up with them which you can't get by going direct.

  • Always try to haggle with your current insurer. Ask if it can offer you a better deal than a rival and, if not, don't be afraid to switch to a provider that will.

What are the typical add-ons?

Free add-ons in the first year

Set the right excess without breaking the bank

It's worth considering going for a policy with a higher excess. A higher excess will result in lower premiums but make sure you can afford the premium in the event you need to claim. Many people will find claiming for less than £500 of damage both increases the future cost of insurance and can invalidate no-claims bonuses, meaning it's not always worth making a claim.

So why pay extra for a lower excess? A few insurers will substantially reduce premiums for a £1,000 excess, so try this when getting quotes. The downside of this is if you have a bigger claim you'll have to shell out more, so take this into account.

Grab long-lasting quotes to lock in todays price

Prices are predicted to rise 10% in 2015, according to the AA, yet some insurers such as Aviva*, LV*, Nationwide and more have quotes that are valid for 60 days. They let you get a quote two months before your renewal is due, and keep that price, beating any possible future premium increases.

That quote should still be valid even if you get another quote nearer the time and the price has gone up however the price is fixed subject to you not changing any of your details.

List of 20 insurers which allow you to lock in quotes early

You can switch mid-year, dont wait for renewal

Dont assume switching is only for those at renewal. This is very important when prices are rising, as they are this year. This means you may find switching early saves anyway, especially if you didnt follow the full cost cutting system in the past. There are three things to watch when doing this.

  • You can usually cancel existing policies and get a refund for the rest of the year, providing you havent claimed.
  • There will normally be a cancellation fee of around £50 so your savings from switching should outweigh that to make it worth it the longer youve got to go the more likely you'll be better off switching to save rather than waiting.
  • You wont earn the current years no claims bonus if you switch so you'll need to be making a substantial saving in order to make this work.

Yet even with those three blockers it can be worth while, heres a couple of case studies to inspire you...

You gave us the confidence to challenge our car insurance mid-policy as we were paying £40 a month. Now we're paying £16. Andy

In November my insurance was £1,200. Now, with a little help from turning 25, I have done a mid-year price check and it's £230! Miriam

Will my insurer remind me when it's time to renew?

List of 22 insurers and cancellation fees

Step 1: The top comparison sites

Once you know the basics from our top 10 tips for cutting costs, it is time to visit the comparison site to get quotes.

There is no one comparison site which, used on its own, will always save consumers the most money. As no single site captures the entire market, combining a number of sites is the best way to make a really meaningful saving.

Comparison sites zip your details to a number of insurers' and brokers' websites to find the cheapest quotes. They don't all compare the same sites, so it is best to combine them. We've analysed the comparison sites to find the ones that produce the cheapest quotes.

We've also conducted separate research to see if quotes from comparisons match up to the prices on insurers' own websites, how easy it is to use the sites, and the speed at which the sites deliver results. (See how the order is picked .)

The order below is for typical drivers, see the tabs below if the combination of comparison sites is unable to save you £100s.

Some comparison sites include 'free' gifts for every policy you take out. At there's a soft toy meerkat (you can choose from eight) for each new policy plus 2for1 cinema tickets (see Meerkat Movies deals for full details). At you'll get a 'Brian the Robot' toy with every new home or motor policy.

Comparison sites: Should I be worried about the security of my data?

Typical driver

  • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
  • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
  • Excesses match what was asked for? No
  • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
  • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes

Typical driver insurance

This is you if youre aged over 25 with one car, which isnt a company car.

Quick reference

Our system in a nutshell but for a full whys and wherefores see below

Our comparison site order in full technicolour detail

No single site captures the entire market, so combining a number of sites is the best way to make a really meaningful saving. If you missed our explanation of how we pick our comparison sites, please see the top comparison sites section above.

    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none? No
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 80% of the time
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Tick-box for marketing calls? Opt-out
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none? No
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? No
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Tick-box for marketing calls? Opt-out
  • If you still haven't found a deal you're happy with, or want to push the envelope, there are some more options to try.

    Try these comparison sites if you have time - each takes around 5-10 minutes: MoneySuperMarket*, QuoteZone*.

Temporary car insurance

Borrowing a friend's car for the weekend or need to hire a vehicle to move house? It's possible to get temporary insurance for one to 28 days.

Most insurers will cover drivers between the ages of 18 and 75 but some set the minimum age at 21. You may also find it difficult to find cover if you have many points on your licence or a long history of claims.

Insure Daily*,*,* and the RAC offer policies.

Now jump to step 4 for how to haggle down the best price.
  • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
  • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
  • Excesses match what was asked for? No
  • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
  • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes
  • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
  • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
  • Excesses match what was asked for? No
  • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
  • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes

If you still haven't found a deal you're happy with, or want to push the envelope, there are some more options to try.

Try these comparison sites if you have time - each takes around 5-10 minutes: MoneySuperMarket*, QuoteZone*.

Multiple car insurance

This is you if you have more than one car. A multi-car insurer is not always cheapest so check the price of each individual car first by looking at comparison sites, the insurers not on them, and special deals they miss before you buy (listed in our quick reference box below).

If you don't have time and just want the quickest multi-car quote check via these insurers and be aware that specialist multi-car insurers may cost you more.

Sometimes it works!

Admiral offered us a multi-car policy and our insurance dropped to £500.

...and sometimes it doesn't!

We managed to save over £200 this year. Renewal quote from Admiral for 2 cars = £575. Privilege 1 car = £190, M&S 1 car = £160, Total = £350.

Quick reference

Our system in a nutshell but for a full whys and wherefores see below

Our comparison site order in full technicolour detail

No single site captures the entire market, so combining a number of sites is the best way to make a really meaningful saving. If you missed our explanation of how we pick our comparison sites, please see the top comparison sites section above.

    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none? No
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 80% of the time
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Tick-box for marketing calls? Opt-out
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none? No
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? No
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Tick-box for marketing calls? Opt-out
  • If you still haven't found a deal you're happy with, or want to push the envelope, there are some more options to try.

    Try these comparison sites if you have time - each takes around 5-10 minutes: MoneySuperMarket*, QuoteZone*.

Company car insurance

Comparison sites always assume you own the car you're trying to insure. However, many people drive a car owned by their employer, but have to insure and tax it themselves.

This means comparison sites, while useful for benchmarking, don't do the trick. First, try a couple of specialists, then see how prices from the comparisons stack up.

Online quotes for company-owned cars



The only insurer we could find which gives quotes online for vehicles owned by companies is LV*.

Go through the quote process and it'll ask who owns the car. Then the quote you get will be based on this. This by no means translates to LV being the cheapest choice - but it's very useful to get an idea of what you should be paying.

Give us your feedback on LV

Specialist brokers and insurers: Time for phone-based legwork

This is a good time to look to the old-fashioned, pre-online comparison route - insurance brokers. They can only look at a smaller range of insurers, but they can also dig into the detail, and tell you if a policy covers company cars.

It's worth phoning up as many of the following as you can. It's free to talk them but they're paid via commission. Try Adrian Flux, Alan Boswell, Arthur J. Gallagher, Endsleigh*, Swinton and Footman James.

To further hone the price you can, hit the phone again and talk to these insurers: AA*, Admiral*, Churchill*, Diamond and Direct Line*.

Combine comparison sites

Remember, comparisons don't all compare the same sites, so the best strategy's to combine them. We've analysed them, using a large range of monthly data, primarily focused on which ones produce the cheapest results.

We also factored in separate research on the accuracy and quality of the comparisons. (See how the order is picked.)

No single site captures the entire market, so combining a number of sites is the best way to make a really meaningful saving.

    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Marketing calls: You have to opt out of calls
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none: Yes
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? Yes
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none? No
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 80% of the time
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Tick-box for marketing calls? Opt-out
    • Received marketing calls when we asked for none? No
    • Prices match insurer's site more than 90% of the time
    • Price for add-ons clearly displayed? No
    • Excesses match what was asked for? No
    • Tick-box for marketing calls? Opt-out
  • If you still haven't found a deal you're happy with, or want to push the envelope, there are some more options to try.

    Try these comparison sites if you have time - each takes around 5-10 minutes: MoneySuperMarket*, QuoteZone*.

I'm struggling to get cover

If you have a number of points on your licence or you have made many claims before you may find it hard to get cover.

If you've been caught once for an offence such as speeding, it's likely you'll have three penalty points on your driving licence. However, one strike doesn't change your risk profile. It's when you reach four points or more that you should change the way you act.

First click on 'typical driver' and compare the comparison sites listed. If you think you can find cover cheaper elsewhere consider enlisting the help of a broker (search on the British Insurance Brokers' Association website to find someone local).

If you have claimed in the past and this is affecting your premiums, consider protecting your no-claims discount (see should I protect my no-claims discount? for more).

You may even be able to fast-track your no-claims bonus. The Admiral* Bonus Accelerator policy gives you one year's no-claims bonus after just 10 months of being insured. This can speed up how quickly you hit the big discount territory.

However, always choose based on the price you pay now. Factoring in a slightly higher premium today for a reduced one in future is fine - but don't pay way over the odds, as the benefits in years ahead aren't guaranteed.

Even if you don't claim to keep your no-claims discount, the price of a policy can rise simply because you may be assessed as a higher risk in the future.

Consider telematics

Despite some confusion, telematics is not an 1980s games show hosted by Noel Edmonds (that was Telly Addicts!). Telematics prices your premiums dep ending on how you drive.

A device inside your car monitors your actions behind the wheel. So the better youre driving, the less you pay for cover. Remember, telematics policies have more aliases than a rap group. If you're looking at 'black box', 'smart box', 'pay-as-you-drive' or 'usage-based' insurance then you're looking at a telematics policy.

It works! Forumite says: "I'm with Insure The Box - a telematics insurer. I paid £980 for my first year (I was 21 when I took out the policy) compared to the cheapest on comparison sites of £1,400!"

The black box feeds data back to your insurer, which takes this into account to reward you. If you can prove you're more Driving Miss Daisy than Fast & Furious you can get money back on your premiums, high street shopping vouchers or better prices at renewal. Full info

Now jump to step 4 for how to haggle down the best price.

Step 2: The ones comparisons miss

Comparison sites let you compare 100s of insurers in quick time but they don't capture the entire market.

Some insurers do not appear on comparison sites at all and some deals - including multi-car discounts - are only available by going directly to an insurer's website.

The insurers not on comparison sites

Three of the biggest insurers on the market, Direct Line, Aviva and Zurich, only offer their products directly and aren't on comparison sites. Benchmark your cheapest aggregator quotes against the premiums offered by these sites to see if you can slash costs further.

  • Direct Line*. Get 10% off for every additional vehicle you add to your policy or if you have any other Direct Line product, get 10% off with Direct Line Together.

  • Aviva*. Grab up to 20% off online and an extra discount of up to a third by adding a second car or van to your policy.

  • Zurich. Get a courtesy car following an accident on standard policies, if you use one of its approved repairers.

Step 3. Hot deals comparisons miss

While comparison sites offer a large chunk of the deals available in the market, others are only available directly from insurers or brokers. If any of the providers below are among your cheapest on comparison sites, use the links below to buy instead and take advantage of special deals.


Use this MSE blagged link to buy a car insurance policy by 11.59pm on 15 November and receive a £55 John Lewis voucher. The voucher will arrive within 120 days of your policy start date. The deal is for new customers only (those who have never had an AgeUK motor policy).

Read more to ENSURE you get the voucher

Free RAC breakdown cover*

Post Office*

Post Office

Buy a new motor insurance policy directly from Post Office* and you will get Roadside and Recovery vehicle based cover free for a year. This only applies to policyholders aged 49 or under at the time of purchase.

The option to upgrade the cover is available and costs £20 to include At Home cover or £40 to include At Home and Onward Travel cover for one year.

Multi-car deals are not available via comparison sites

Comparison sites do not currently offer multi-car discounts which can save you up to 25% by insuring more than one car on the same policy. If you have two or more cars in your household check the providers that offer discounts below.

Additional providers which also give a multi-vehicle discount are Aviva*, Churchill*, Direct Line* and Privilege*. Discounts vary and depend on your circumstances but all of these are worth adding to your list to try.

Step 4: Haggle

Haggling is not a must - especially if you want to try a new provider - but if you are looking to renew with your current insurer it is well worth getting on the phone to negotiate.

Once you've followed the steps above and got the overall cheapest price, get on the phone and haggle. If your insurer can beat or match your best quote it saves the hassle of switching policy. If that doesn't work and you're still in the mood, enlist the help of a broker.

"I just saved around £300 haggling with Admiral (prompted after the news article on MSE). And they were really friendly to boot." Forumite thrifteemee

For more haggling tips, read the full Car and Home Insurance Haggling guide along with Haggle On The High Street and 2013's Top 10 Firms To Haggle With.

Step 5: Get cashback

Once you know who your cheapest provider is, you need to check there aren't any hidden cashback deals, as these can be as high as £60.

If your second or third cheapest quotes weren't too much more expensive, see if cashback's available for them too, and find the overall winner.

It's important to be aware that the cashback is coming from the comparison site, not the insurer, so getting the cashback relies on its ability to pay.

Things you need to know before getting cashback...

Never count the cash as yours until it's in your bank account

Withdraw the cashback as soon as you're allowed

Clear your cookies

If you're new to cashback sites, make sure you read the Top Cashback Sites guide for pros and cons before using them. Otherwise, use the Cashback Sites Maximiser tool to find the highest payer for each insurer.

Step 6: Check your policy

Always double check the policy terms. Once you've found the cheapest quotes make two important checks.

Double check the quotes. Click through to the insurance provider's own website to double check the quotes, as to speed up searches some comparison sites make a few assumptions (see what to check).

Examine the policy's coverage. Check whether it's suitable. If you want free car hire if your car is being fixed, is it included? While you're there, it's worth playing with the policy details to see if you can lower the price further. Look at the excess, and whether adding drivers cuts the cost.

So how much can you save?

Following the steps above often produces huge savings. Those who normally just accept their insurer's renewal regularly see £100s shaved off the cost. And significant numbers of MoneySavers report getting deals for under £100.

Our record-ever price of 96p for a year is below. Since then we've had some for under £50 but nothing that comes close so if you've beaten it, let us know.

Barbara's story: 96p for a year's fully comp cover

In October 2009, civil servant and grandmother Barbara Wakerell smashed the old £14 record for using this car insurance system (see MSE News: 96p car insurance).

Policy price: For Barbara, the cheapest was £120.96 from Swinton Insurance for a fully comprehensive policy, with protected no claims bonus, and including a courtesy car.
Insurer cashback: The company had its own £70 cashback promo.
Cashback site: She then got a further £50 via using a cashback site.

All added together, that meant the total cost of the insurance was just 96p. She said:

I'm always looking for a bargain so when I found my car insurance for £120.96 I thought I was doing well. But when I also got £120 cashback I realised I had done really, really well. Can anyone beat that? Barbara Wakerell

Douglas's story: £26 for a year's car insurance

Welshman Douglas Evans explains how he cut his £280 per year car insurance premiums to just £26

Courtesy of Channel 5. Originally from It Pays To Watch!

How to complain about your insurance provider

The insurance industry doesn't have the best customer service reputation and while a provider may be good for some, it can be hell for others. Common problems include claims either not being paid out on time or at all, unfair charges, or exclusions being hidden in the small print. Its always worth trying to call your provider first, but if not then

Free tool if youre having a problem

This tool helps you draft your complaint and manage it too. Its totally free, and offered by a firm called Resolver which we like so much we work with it to help people get complaints justice.

If the complaint isn't resolved, Resolver will escalate it to the free Financial Ombudsman Service.

Important: if your issue is about a voucher or incentive that was part of an MSE Blagged deal, then instead just let us know by emailing as thats usually quicker.

Cheap car insurance: compare car insurance quotes - MSE
Car insurance: The basics. At its most simple, car insurance covers you if your car is stolen or involved in a road accident. It also protects other road users if you

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Try the job title tool from Money Saving Expert for finding the cheapest car insurance by profession. Free MSE car sticker; MoneySaving The Car Insurance Job

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