Low Fuel in the Tank Can Mean High Prices Later
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In todays economic crunch, people are looking for every way to save an extra dollar or two. With gas prices around $4 per gallon, putting off gassing up your vehicle to squeeze every extra mile out of your vehicle before the next fill-up can seem like a good way to save some money, but there are some long-term effects of driving on empty.
We all know that running out of gas is always a possibility if we push that gas gauge too far, leaving us stranded on the side of the road. At that point your options are to start walking in hopes of coming across a gas station, or to call a friend (or AAA) to bring you some gas to help get you back on your way. This is always frustrating and typically happens at the most inopportune times. With that said, this is not the only danger of driving on empty.
According to Consumer Reports, driving your car on a nearly empty tank may cost a lot more in the long run than filling up. Fuel pumps deliver gas from the tank to the engine, and the fuel pump uses the gas to cool down the fuel pump motor. If you run on empty, the fuel pump will suck in air which can heat up the pump. This can cause the pump to wear out, meaning a costly repair to your vehicle. In many newer cars, the fuel pump is located in the fuel tank, so you will not only have to replace the pump but the gas tank as well. This repair can cost hundreds of dollars in addition to leaving you without wheels while a mechanic makes the necessary repairs.
Another side effect of running on low fuel is clogging your fuel filter. Sediment can build up in a fuel tank overtime, and this sediment settles at the bottom. If you let the gas gauge sink to near empty then that sediment gets sucked into the fuel pump, thereby clogging the filter and requiring more costly repairs.
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your fuel pump, and prevent costly repairs.
- Do not let your gas tank get below ¼ of a tank.
- Do not rely on your vehicles gas monitoring system as driving habits can severely affect how much gas you use.
- If you need gas, be sure to fill up before starting on your way to avoid a problem if any unforeseen delays occur, such as traffic jams or long stretches of road with no gas stations.
Although the extra fill up every week may cost you an extra $40 or $50, it sure beats having your car break down on the way to work. Between repair costs, being late to work, and having to find a temporary replacement vehicle, the cost of a break down far outweighs the extra savings of not filling up right away.
To learn more about driving on empty, visit the Consumer Reports website. Do you regularly run low on gas? Have you ever run out of gas? Share your story!
Low Fuel in the Tank Can Mean High Prices Later. Posted on January 28, 2013. In todays economic crunch, people are looking for every way to save an extra dollar or
Low Fuel in the Tank Can Mean High Prices at the Mechanic ...
Low Fuel in the Tank Can Mean High Prices at the Mechanic Posted: Sediment can build up in a fuel tank overtime, and this sediment settles at the bottom.
Low Fuel in the Tank Can Mean High Prices at the Mechanic ...
Low Fuel in the Tank Can Mean High Prices at driving your car on an empty tank may cost a lot more in the long run than filling up the tank. Fuel pumps
Fuel tank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A fuel tank (or petrol tank) is a safe container for flammable fluids. Though any storage tank for fuel may be so called, the term is typically applied to part of an
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2.1.3 Fuel value and price; 2.1.4 Use as vehicle fuel; As there is no sunlight in a closed fuel tank, no algae can due to high fuel viscosity at low
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Replacement Fuel Pump and Accessories at Partstrain.com
fuel tank to the engine and then doled out by means of low pressure down to the carburetor. It can also be siphoned off under high pressure by means of the fuel