Buy a Bargain Policy Now and You Could Pay Later
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Almost every auto insurance commercial on TV claims to save you money. With the focus on price alone, one would think all insurance policies are created equal. They most definitely are not!
I recently read an article about a claim where an insureds vehicle had been stolen. Upon discovering the vehicle was unlocked and the keys had been left inside by the car owner, the claims adjuster denied the claim. This insureds auto policy did not cover theft if there was no sign of forcible entry to gain access to the vehicle and/or ignition system.
While the insured was extremely careless in leaving both his vehicle unlocked and the keys inside, most personal auto policies issued by standard companies would provide coverage, subject to policy exclusions including intentional acts. In this case though, the customer had opted for a nonstandard policy in return for a cheaper price. No doubt this was a hard lesson to learn, but a perfect example of getting what you pay for.
While TV commercials will try to convince you buying an insurance policy is as easy as shopping online for the best deal, its not. With so many coverage options, its best to talk with a trusted advisor who can help you select the right policy to meet your needs. Contact your local independent agent to get started.
Not all insurance policies or companies are created equal. If an insurance company can you save you hundreds of dollars simply by switching to them, question what youre getting in return. What kind of coverage are you buying? Can you call and speak to a real person when you have a question or a claim? Peace of mind is priceless, isnt it? Srl, società specializzata nellanalisi, creazione e gestione siti ecommerce. Per le aziende italiane ed estere srl è il partner ideale per la
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