If the Earth Moves Under Your Feet, Are You Covered?

If the Earth Moves Under Your Feet, Are You Covered?

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Can you imagine the shock of having the ground literally fall out from under you? Recent incidents in Florida and Illinois prove it can happen to anyone, anywhere. Those incidents were caused by sinkholes but thats not the only reason the earth could move under your feet and damage your property.

  • Earthquakes. There are many definitions but the most common relates to a tremor of the earths surface caused by a shift in the earths tectonic plates, usually along fault lines. Typically the more severe the slippage in the earths plates, the more severe the tremors can be, which results in more property damage. This often depends on the proximity to populated areas.
  • Sinkholes. State legislatures have defined this in various ways. Sinkhole collapse generally means actual physical damage caused by sudden settlement or collapse of the earth supporting the property. The settlement or collapse results from subterranean voids created by the action of water on limestone or similar rock formations. Traditionally, this was something that occurred in southern states such as Florida. However, more recently sinkholes have been appearing in many areas. Some have been just large enough for a person to fall into while others are large enough to swallow a house.
  • Mine subsidence. This is generally defined as the lateral or vertical ground movement resulting from the collapse of man-made, underground mines including but not limited to coal, clay, limestone, and fluorspar mines which directly damages structures.

Since your home is likely your single largest investment, earth movement should be a cause for concern. Whether or not you can purchase insurance coverage for your home for these three events can vary greatly depending on your geographical location. The standard homeowners coverage form does not automatically provide coverage for losses due to earthquake, sinkholes, or mine subsidence. However, many states have passed laws that require carriers to offer one or more of these coverages. The slippery slope from a coverage standpoint is knowing what is required or available in your area.

Carriers who offer these coverages usually do so for an additional premium. In some cases, the coverage may not be available through your carrier but may be available through the state. Since there can be such a variation in exposure to earthquake, sinkholes, and mine subsidence, your best bet is to check with your local independent insurance agent to see what is available and required in your area. Also, many state insurance departments have websites explaining what the state requires in these instances.

Make sure youre on solid ground check with your independent insurance agent to see what type of coverage is available to you.

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If the Earth Moves Under Your Feet, Are You Covered ...
Can you imagine the shock of having the ground literally fall out from under you? Recent incidents in Florida and Illinois prove it can happen to anyone, anywhere.

I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet Cover by MsEllenRogers ...
I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet Cover by MsEllenRogers Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, I Feel The Earth Move & You've Got A Friend

WDBJ- 7 Band" I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet" (Carole ...
WDBJ- 7 Band performs " I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet" (Carole King Cover) Earth Move & You've Me With Your Best Shot "(Pat Benatar Cover)

What to do when you feel the earthmoveunder your ...
basic steps in mind when we do again feel the earth move under our feet: COVER by getting under a sturdy table You are commenting using your

You Feel the Earth Move Under Your Feet | RecoveringFed
5 Responses to You Feel the Earth Move Under Your Feet. Pingback: Tweets that mention You Feel the Earth Move Under Your Feet | RecoveringFed -- Topsy.com

GraGraph Earthquake Meter Lets You Know When The Earth ...
Presumably this gives you time to get out of your house before it falls down around you. GraGraph Earthquake Meter Lets You Know When The Earth Moves Under Your Feet.

You Won't Feel the Earth Move Under Your Feet in This ...
You Won't Feel the Earth Move Under Your Feet in This Quake-Proof Bed. S Expand. With any luck, the only vibrations you'll be feeling in this quake-proof

Global Warming Will Make You Feel The Earth Move Under ...
Global Warming Will Make You Feel The Earth Move Under Your Feet. Climate change will do more to the planet than cause temperatures to rise, warn scientists.

Did you feel the earth move under your feet? | Dayton | Yelp
I felt the earth under my feet. Of course I was driving at the time.

Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(e.g. "It does not cost the earth.", "What on earth are you doing total mass of the Earth. The oceans cover an area the Earth will move to an

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