Where’s the “Service” Gone in Customer Service?

Wheres the Service Gone in Customer Service?

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Customer ServiceThis past weekend I purchased a new laptop for myself. Im currently in college and desperately needed an upgrade. After I got my new toy home, I went through the rigorous process of transferring all of the saved info from my old PC over to the new one. As I came across my Internet security program, I realized that I had not only forgotten my password, but I also forgot the e-mail address I used when I purchased the program. I know, smooth move right?

Anyway, I decided that I had better call the company and have someone help me out over the phone. Now, this should not have been a difficult process, but unfortunately it was like trying to teach chess to a four-year-old who speaks a different language. I searched and searched their website, trying to find a phone number that I could call. The only thing I could find was tiny (very tiny) print in the lower right corner that said contact us. After clicking on it, there was still no phone number! There was simply a chat now feature, which meant that I had to talk to a computer (no joke) and an e-mail address.

This was not the first time that I have come across this particular kind of, we want to help, but please dont call us! service. For some reason its been catching on and I just dont get it. Maybe its because the company I work for prides itself on always having a person answer the phone when a customer calls, or maybe Im just being too impatient. I mean, I guess I could have e-mailed them, but I just figured that since I gave them my hard earned money, the least they could do would be to pick up a phone. Youll be happy to know that I was able to find a phone number, but it was only after I spent the required ten or fifteen minutes speaking with Mark the computer. Once he couldnt help, I guess they just had no other choice.

I didnt mean for that to sound like a rant. Of course, this is just my opinion. But, I am curious if you yourself have ever run into this. Did it make you frustrated? Were you alone in your home screaming at an inanimate object, like myself? If so, leave a comment below. Im interested in hearing what you think!

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