316.211 (b) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person over 21 years of age may operate or ride upon a motorcycle without wearing protective headgear securely fastened upon his or her head if such person is covered by an insurance policy providing for at least $10,000 in medical benefits for injuries incurred as a result of a crash while operating or riding on a motorcycle.The question of “What specific insurance is required?” is not new. According to the bill, the only requirement needing to be met is the insurance policy providing coverage for any injuries suffered while driving, or being a passenger on, a motorcycle. Personal Injury Protection on your miami auto insurance policy does not cover motorcycles so that leaves only Medical Payments coverage to satisfy the requirement of insurance. There are insurance companies that offer motorcycle insurance but may not offer a lot of coverage and the price could be less than ideal. From a major carrier that will offer $10,000 of Medical Payments coverage on a motorcycle policy for 40-year-old men with good driving records and good credit could range from $113 to $225 yearly for a motorcycle that is not considered high performance.
Coinciding with the effective date of Florida’s bill, the Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association began providing motorcycle policies with $10,000 of Medical Payments coverage. But, in order to be able to purchase that coverage, an insured has to also purchase Property Damage Liability and Bodily Injury Liability. Annual rates, though, could range from $209 for a small motorcycle (if the owner is under the age of 30 and not a single male) to $1,510 for a large motorcycle with over 300lbs of unladen weight (if the owner is under the age of 30 and is a single male).
Some people may wonder if their health insurance policy can take care of the insurance requirement. It is likely that it can as many health insurance policies work with coverage provided in auto and motorcycle policies. The Florida Department of Highway Safety of Motor Vehicles has said that health insurance policies would meet the requirement of insurance but it may be best to call your insurance company. They would know if you truly are covered for injuries sustained while on a motorcycle and, if so, how much coverage you have.
Going back to the fact that your miami auto insurance policy’s Personal Injury Protection offers no coverage for your motorcycle, another place you may look for coverage is your miami home insurance policy. It may or may not be obvious but the Medical Payments coverage you have on your homeowners policy does not cover any injuries you may incur while driving or riding a motorcycle.
When it comes to enforcing the bill’s requirement of insurance when operating or riding a motorcycle without a helmet, police officers are completely within their rights to ask you for proof of insurance. According to the FL Dept of Hwy Safety of Motor Vehicles you can prove you have insurance with a copy of your: (1) health insurance ID card, (2) health insurance policy or (3) motorcycle insurance policy that shows at least $10,000 of coverage.
Our recommendation is that you always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. The faster you drive the greater at risk you are of becoming severely or fatally injured and the helmet could be the difference between life and death.
If you have any questions regarding whether or not you are covered or what you need to do in order to get coverage, please give us a call at 305-270-2100.
At Filer Insurance, Inc., we have been serving Miami and South Florida since 1919. We specialize in miami car insurance as well as miami home insurance, miami life insurance and miami business insurance. Please give us a call, visit our website or come by our office for free miami car insurance and miami motorcycle insurance quotes.