Your home insurance policy may not provide benefits for repairs you do around the home, but that doesn't mean these repairs don't help keep your insurance premiums low. This is because some repairs and renovations can proactively lower your premiums, while others lessen your risk of claims exposure and reduce potential damages which can result in fewer premium hikes.
Fix That Swimming Pool Fence
If you have a pool, your home insurance policy likely requires that you have a latching safety fence around it. But if your fence has openings or a broken latch, it is not providing the protection that you need. Fix the fence and you'll reduce the likelihood of a child getting in the pool unsupervised.
Repair That Roof
A leaking roof may not, in itself, be an insurable incident covered by your policy, but it could indicate that you have an older roof built to weaker code standards than those that are currently required. Getting your leak fixed will help keep your roof, ceiling and support beams strong and able to withstand more damage from inclement weather. It can also point out any big weaknesses in your roof construction which can subsequently be fixed and brought to current code.
Even if your roof isn’t yet leaking, it could still be in need of repair. Check for loose or broken shingles and flashing that could become a projectile during a violent storm, and make the appropriate repairs.
Get Those Stoned Secured
Loose and uneven pavers and stones outside your home can be a tripping hazard to visitors. Fixing your pavers and other walkway stones will reduce the risk of accidents and subsequent liabilities.
Upgrade Your Appliances
From furnaces to stoves, water heaters to refrigerators, washers to dryers your appliances are relied on daily by your family. Older appliances are not only at risk for total breakdown when you need them most, but they may also be fire hazards and energy guzzlers. Replacing your older appliances reduces your risk of fire and gives you an opportunity to upgrade to models that use less electricity.
Supplement Fire Safety With a Sprinkler System
Renovating your home so that it has a sprinkler system will not only keep your family safer in the event of a fire, but it can lower your insurance premiums and reduce the risk of losing precious, irreplaceable family heirlooms and pictures.
Activate the Security System
If you have a non-operational security system, you are missing out on a new and easy way to decrease the likelihood of theft or vandalism when you are away from home. Fix your security system or install a new one in order to protect your home and immediately reduce your insurance premiums.
Replace Old Windows
Older windows may not be tough enough to withstand hurricane force or other high winds. By replacing your windows, you can make your home more energy efficient and reduce the likelihood of insurance claims after a storm.
Sort Out Storm Shutters
Shutters and awnings are designed to add an extra layer of protection to your home in the event of a weather-related disaster. If you have broken or weak shutters or awnings, replace them and you'll have fewer claims to show for it.
Restore Your Electrical System
If your electrical system and wiring are as old as the hills it's a good time for an update. Not only will you reduce your risk of an electrical problem that results in a fire, but the introduction of ground wires in your outlets will lessen the risk of damage to your electronics.
If you want to find out how your planned repairs and renovations will affect your home insurance premiums before you get them done, give us a call at 305-270-2100. We can even discuss other ways that you can help control your Miami home insurance premiums.
At Filer Insurance, Inc., we have been serving Miami and South Florida since 1919. We specialize in miami home insurance as well as miami auto insurance, miami life insurance and miami business insurance. Please give us a call, visit our website or come by our office for a free Miami home insurance quote.