Structured Settlements A Guide to Everything You Need to

The 5-Step Process Of Getting Divorced

Posted by Jennie Cash on Sep 23, 2015

When you are getting ready to separate from your spouse, it is a good idea to understand the steps that you will need to take to get divorced. It will help the process go smoothly for you since you will be aware of what the next step will be. Legally Separate You will want to ask your divorce attorney about what your states laws are concerning legal separation since some states offer it and some do not. A legal separation is especially helpful if you and your spouse have a child because a separation order will dictate the legal responsibilities that each parent will have during separation. This will help ensure that one parent doesnt just walk away from the relationship, leaving all the parenting responsibilities to their spouse. File The Divorce Petition You will need to officially file the petition for divorce to get the process started, which involves writing out the reasons why you want a divorce. It is best to work with an attorney for this step as well because they can assist you with filling out the documentation properly. They can help you with the wording of your reasons for wanting a divorce so that it appears more favorably to a judge. Receive Temporary Court Orders After the petition has been filed, you will receive a temporary court order that will need to be followed by both spouses. This is similar to legal separation court orders, but in effect until the divorce case has been settled in mediation...

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4 Requirements For Filing A Medical Malpractice Claim

Posted by Jennie Cash on Sep 3, 2015

If you feel you havent received the proper amount of medical treatment from a doctor or hospital, you may be able to file a medical malpractice claim. This will work towards helping you receive some of your financial losses, and you may even be able to be compensated for your pain and suffering in some cases. However, its ideal for you to know the specific requirements if you intend to take legal action against a medical provider. Existence of a Relationship In order to first file a claim, you have to show that a medical relationship existed. This could be by providing a copy of a bill from your doctor or hospital that shows you visited this individual for treatment. It will be necessary to prove there was a doctor and patient relationship before you can pursue legal action against this individual. Negligence You will need to prove the doctor was negligent and that this was the cause of your injuries. Were your wrongly diagnosed or were there other things that were incorrectly done by your medical provider? Below are some of the reasons that a medical malpractice claim is filed: 1.  You were not properly care for or treated by the physician you went to see. 2.  You were prescribed the wrong type of medication for your ailment or injury and this made the problem worse. 3.  You did not provide consent for any of the medical treatment that was given to you on your visit, The key to...

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Regardless Of Wealth ~ Everyone Should Consider A Prenuptial Agreement

Posted by Jennie Cash on Aug 14, 2015

Are you planning to get married? If so, it may be worth your time to consider getting a prenuptial agreement with the help of a company like Tracy McMurtrie Luck & Associates. According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, divorce lawyers have seen an increase in couples opting for prenuptial agreements.  Perhaps you are thinking that prenuptial agreements are legal agreements that are only sensible for couples who are wealthy. You are likely also blissfully in love, and you may feel as though you would never get divorced. Circumstances and feelings can change, and that is why there are a number of couples who see the importance of having a prenup even if they are not currently wealthy. Protection Against Future Custody and Support Battles A prenuptial agreement can outline what will happen if a marital relationship with children deteriorates. For example, the agreement could include joint custody, or it could also include the percentage of income one parent agrees to pay to the other in child support. Protection Against Infidelity If you have strong views about cheating, your prenup could also include a clause about infidelity. For example, a clause regarding spousal support from a cheating spouse or the forfeiture of certain assets could be entered into the agreement. Protection Against Becoming Indigent Including a clause in your prenup agreement that addresses what a stay-at-home parent would recoup in the event of a divorce is wise. Imagine forgoing your career to stay home and raise...

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Divorce Tips: Guide To Tell Your Children About Custody Changes

Posted by Jennie Cash on Aug 3, 2015

The issues related to a divorce do not end when you sign a piece of paper, especially when there are children involved. One of the biggest problems that your children have to deal with is not seeing a parent as much as they usually do. Children usually prefer both parents at home, so explaining that they will have to visit their mother or father in different homes is not a simple task. The following guide will help shed some light on this difficult conversation. Put Your Children First Making sure that you are united after a divorce could be the hardest thing to do for some couples. But it is extremely important you try to find a way to appear united in front of your children. This is important because most experts believe that a child may be able to take the news of custody changes, or the possibility of changes, better if both parents are on the same accord.  Unity shows your child that you are still his or her parents and that these changes do not mean that he or she is losing a parent in any way.  You can be honest with your children, but you must try to remain calm and avoid showing any kind of anger toward each other while you are informing them of the custody changes or the possibility of changes.  The reason is simply because it breaks the illusion that you are united and may add stress to the news that your young must hear....

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Proving Your Innocence In A Car Accident Case

Posted by Jennie Cash on Jul 20, 2015

If you had recently been involved in a car accident with another vehicle, and the other party is claiming it was your negligence that had caused the incident, you will most likely wish to prove your case so you are not responsible for medical reimbursement or auto body charges through your insurance. If your insurance pays for these things, you are at risk for higher premiums. Here are some of the steps you should take in proving your innocence in a court of law.  Hire Representation The most important step to take when fighting a claim against you involving a personal injury is to get the help from an attorney. Hiring an attorney that specializes in both personal injury and traffic law will be best as they may be able to find falsified information in the plaintiffs claims to help prove your innocence.  Retain Witnesses If you had seen anyone in the vicinity at the time of the accident, find out if they would be willing to write out a summary of what they had seen at the time of the incident. This report may be able to be used as evidence in court. If they are willing to come to testify on your behalf, this is favorable to your case as well. Check For Surveillance Find out if there were any traffic cameras that had captured the incident on tape. The town would have this information and your car accident lawyer would be able to request a copy of the footage to be used in court. If the accident...

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Workers Compensation

Posted by Jennie Cash on Jun 30, 2015

If you have involved in a psychologically stressful situation at your job, you may be eligible for workers compensation. While it is more challenging to receive workers compensation benefits as a result of PTSD, claims are allowed and it is possible to recover damages, including your medical expenses and lost wages if the illness is found to be permanent. PTSD is a serious and debilitating disorder and could impact your ability to work. Here is more information about PTSD and tips on proving your case. What Is PTSD? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is recognized as a mental disorder and listed in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). This disorder is precipitated by witnessing or being involved in an unusually terrifying or horrific event. The symptoms include flashbacks in which you find yourself re-living the event days or even months later, sleep disturbances, eating disorders, and many other psychological manifestations caused by the situation. PTSD and Work To qualify for workers compensation, the traumatic event must have occurred at work or in connection with you job. While most people connect PTSD with soldiers who witness horrifying events while at war, there are many civilian jobs and situations that could result in PTSD. For example, You are a teacher and your school was the target of a gunman. You are a first responder and experienced an unusually gruesome accident scene. You were attacked and raped at your workplace. You witnessed the death or serious injury of a co-worker,...

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