San Francisco County DUI Lawyers - California DUI Help

San Francisco DUI Lawyers

DUIs in San Francisco County

A driver suspected of driving under the influence in San Francisco County may be stopped for a DUI by several law enforcement agencies. There are dozens in San Francisco County, such as:

  • San Francisco Sherriffs Department,
  • San Francisco Police Department,
  • The California Highway Patrol, and
  • Many, many others.

Those arrested for a first-time DUI in San Francisco are usually released the night of or the morning following their arrest. Those arrested for a felony DUI or with prior DUI convictions on their record often require bail in accordance with the San Francisco County Bail Schedule. According to the Bail Schedule, a DUI that occurs in San Francisco and results in injury/death, or a DUI committed by someone with three or more priors within seven years requires a minimum of $50,000 in bail.

When someone is arrested for a DUI in San Francisco County, it triggers two separate legal battles: one in a criminal court, and another with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV.)

San Francisco County Criminal Court Case

In a court case, the defendant is tried for a criminal conviction. If convicted, the defendant will face any and all penalties that accompany the charge, which can include:

  • Probation of up to five years,
  • Mandatory attendance of a MADD Victims Impact Program,
  • Proof of SR-22 Insurance for three years,
  • Loss of a drivers license, and
  • Many other direct and indirect consequences.

San Francisco County DMV Drivers License Actions

Immediately following a DUI arrest in San Francisco County, its important for the defendant to make a special request for a DMV hearing. Its crucial this request is made within ten days of the arrest; otherwise their license will automatically be suspended on the 31st day following the arrest. The length of suspension varies, but generally lasts between a few months and a few years. In some cases, the license may be suspended for life. The suspension length depends on:

  • The age of the driver at the time of the arrest,
  • If an child under the age of fourteen was present in the car at the time of arrest,
  • Whether or not the driver submitted to a chemical test after a proper, legal request, and,
  • Many others.

Its important to remember that the DMV hearing doesnt take place at a regular DMV office. These hearings are held at special DMV Driver Safety Offices, listed below:

San Francisco County DMV Driver Safety Office
1377 Fell St., 2nd Floor
San Francisco, California 94117-2296
General Information or to Make an Appointment
Phone: 415-557-1170 ; Fax: 415-557-7375

San Francisco County Criminal Courts

Although most assume DUI cases are handled in traffic court, they are actually handled in criminal courts. The criminal courts that hear DUI cases and are local to San Francisco include:

San Francisco County Courts
Civic Center Court House
400 McAllister Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Hall of Justice 
850 Bryant Street
San Francisco, CA 94103


San Francisco County DUI Lawyers - California DUI Help
DUIs in San Francisco County. A driver suspected of driving under the influence in San Francisco County may be stopped for a DUI by several law enforcement agencies.

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