Graduation should be a time of excitement, not stress. You should enter the workforce with a passion for doing what you love, not give up your dreams for a job that pays the bills. Student loan consolidation services help you pursue your interests and dream job with affordable payments that work with your current salary. Without loan consolidation, youre often forced to work for a company that has guaranteed pay increases, which is hard to find, or to take on second or third jobs in your spare time. If youre overworked, chances are you wont be committing all you have to your primary day job, and your performance will suffer. This is a downward spiral that isnt sustainable, and often ends in frustration or even higher debt.
At Student Loan Consolidation Inc., we love seeing a change in our clients, from stressed or anxious, to relieved and relaxed. Knowing that youll be able to make your loan payment each month, and also have time to spend with friends and money for essentials and even a bit of fun, is a fantastic feeling, and one we dont believe anyone should be denied.
Sometimes, student loan payments are so large that young professionals are left with very little leeway for rent, electricity, or car payments, much less leftover money in the case of an emergency. You never know when youll need extra cash, and its always good to have a buffer just in case, but thats often impossible because of massive student loan payments. If youre in an accident or need to travel on short notice, it could ruin you financially if you dont have any savings. Luckily, you dont have to put yourself in that situation. Contact Student Loan Consolidation Inc. today for a quick consultation on how student loan consolidation can benefit you.
Have you ever stared at a pile of bills and wondered which you should pay, and which would have to go unpaid? Knowing you would get late fees and potentially ruin your credit score, but having no other option? Its not a good feeling, yet every day young people around the country are forced to make these decisions. In 2013, student loan debt counted for the second highest form of consumer debt, behind only home mortgages. Student debt in 2013 made up six percent of the entire national debt, which is the highest it has ever been. This is a huge burden for young professionals to bear, especially as entry-level jobs dont usually come with large paychecks, and the competition is fierce for those that do. While the labor market is slowly recovering, it has a long way to go before entry-level workers will be making the kind of money they need to pay off student loan debt quickly, and then there are those who havent yet found professional work, adding an extra layer of worry and financial stress. While youre waiting for the job market to recover, you might be stuck interning, or working for a less than desirable salary just to have something on your resume. During this time, student loan consolidation can help you get all of your payments in one place and help you pay lower amounts each month, no matter what job situation you find yourself in after graduation.
It can be discouraging to see peers who never went to college raking in more money than you working trade or labor jobs, while you slave away working toward your dream career with little to show for it. These days, some people are even wondering whether or not college is worth the debt, and for those who already graduated, it can be hard to remember why you put yourself through years of expensive schooling. Its important to remember that despite your debt, youre better qualified for a large range of jobs than those who didnt attend college, and that as expensive as it was, it was worth it. Its much easier to keep those positive thoughts in mind when youre not consumed with student loan payments and have just one smaller payment each month to focus on. With student loan consolidation, you can allow yourself to focus on a career in the field you studied and worked so hard for. In the end, those with a college degree are twice as likely as those without one to find employment, so consolidate your loans, focus on the job search, and keep your chin up as you pay down your debt and work toward your future career.
When speaking with our student loan consolidation experts, theyll ask you about your total loan amount, and what types of loans they are. Whether your loans are federal or private makes a difference in your consolidation options. Theyll also talk through your interest rates for each loan, and whether theyre variable or fixed rates. Forgiveness and forbearance will also be discussed in order to determine whether or not loan consolidation is right for you, as well as income. Then well talk about how Student Loan Consolidation Inc. can best help you on your path to financial and career success.
Its easy to get started on your student loan consolidationcontact us today to speak with our financial experts!
Official Federal loan consolidation application page from the Department of Education featuring a three-step process. Includes tips, rates applying for a PIN and e
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