When you settle your personal physical injury or sickness lawsuit, you have many financial options for your settlement funds. The list below contains a summary of these options, which can be chosen individually or with others. For legal, tax or investment advice, you should always consult a legal or tax advisor.
While structured settlements are considered conservative investments, the returns they provide on a tax-free basis often rival securities-based investments. Structured settlements also out perform other fixed investments, such as bonds, when compared on a net after-tax basis. Most other fixed investments are subject to transaction costs, reinvestment risk and taxes and therefore cannot provide similar returns to that of a structured settlement.
To view a comparison of structured settlements to other financial products, click here. You may also want to review the National Structured Settlement Trade Association's (NSSTA's) brochure, Structured Settlements, The Key to a Successful Financial Strategy which provides information on why structured settlements are particularly suited to victims of personal physical injury or sickness and how a structured settlement consultant is an invaluable resource in determining future medical costs as well as other financial considerations.
(SFA does not provide legal, tax or investment advice. For legal, tax or investment advice, you should always consult a legal, tax or investment advisor.)
Your Financial Options
A: Cash Settlement
Settle with a single lump sum of cash tax-free.
Option B: Structured Settlement
Settle with a tax-free structured settlement annuity that pays you over time.
Option C: Trust
Establish a professional managed trust. This is especially helpful for special or supplemental needs claimants.
Option D: Combination
Select any combination of the first three options. For example, your structured settlement could provide some up-front cash in addition to periodic payments. You may also decide to fund a special needs trust with a structured settlement.
With these financial options, you have a new opportunity to regain financial control of your life. You know you can design a plan to meet your needs today but what about tomorrow? An SFA Consultant can visit with you to help set up a plan that is tailored to your future financial goals. To keep up with inflation, we can even add a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to increase your payments on a scheduled basis. This is just one of the many ways a Structured Settlement Consultant can help you create a plan specifically for you. For more information, please contact a Structured Financial Associates (SFA) Structured Settlement Consultant today.
Download the National Structured Settlement Trade Association's brochure, Structured Settlements: Safe, Secure and Highly Regulated here.
Five Steps to Financial Health After an Accident
Maria Diamond, past president of the WA State Trial Lawyers Assn. and an ATLA board member, urges accident victims to consider the benefits of structured settlements. Originally published in Action Magazine, August 2006. To download this article, please click here.
Structured Financial Associates is one of the IFS structured settlement companies providing structured settlement annuities for physical injury settlements.
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