Free Mortgage Calculators
At Go Direct you will find simple free mortgage calculators to help you find and compare the mortgage rates that are right for you.
Below are the mortgage calculators you can use for free to compare mortgages on Go Direct.
Mortgage Quote
Use this simple mortgage calculator called the Quick Quote if you you want to do an instant Quick Search to compare suitable mortgages for you based on mortgage criteria you specify and details of your circumstances.
Instant Mortgage Quote Calculator
Mortgage Repayment Calculator
Use this mortgage calculator called the Mortgage Wizard it will help you to search for mortgages that meet your individual circumstances.
Mortgage Repayment Calculator
Mortgage Rate Calculator
Use this simple mortgage calculator to compare what savings you could make by switching to a more competitive mortgage rate.
Mortgage Rates
Mortgage Calculator
Use the mortgage calculator if you want to quickly find out the mortgage payment for a specific mortgage amount at a mortgage interest rate that you set.
Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Affordability Calculator
Use this simple calculator to see the amount of mortgage a typical mortgage lender will give you based on affordability instead of the traditional mortgage income multipliers.
Mortgage Affordability Calculator
Mortgage Budget Planner
Try our mortgage budget planer to calculate how much you can afford for you new mortgage or remortgage.
Mortgage Budget Planner
Mortgage Term Calculator
Compare mortgage terms with our new mortgage term calculator and see how much you can save.
Mortgage Term Calculator
Mortgage Overpayment Calculator
Try our new mortgage overpayment calculator to see how much you can save by making overpayments to your mortgage.
Mortgage Overpayment Calculator
Mortgage Rate Change Calculator
With interest rates at such a low level it is important to see what affect a mortgage rate increase could have on your mortgage. Our mortgage rate calculator lets you see how much you would have to pay if interest rates did rise.
Mortgage Rate Change Calculator
Mortgage Life Insurance Calculator
Instantly compare the cost of mortgage life insurance with our online life insurance calculator. Free discounted quotes for decreasing term assurance and level cover for interest only mortgages.
Mortgage Life Insurance Calculator
Bad Credit Mortgage Calculator
Use the Bad Credit mortgage calculator called the Mortgage Wizard it will help you to search for the bad credit mortgages that meet your individual credit history.
Bad Credit Mortgage Calculator
Remortgage Calculator
Use the remortgage calculator to to compare over 3000 remortgage products to find a remortgage that meet your individual circumstances.
Remortgage Calculator
Remortgage Rate Calculator
Use this simple remortgage calculator to simply compare what savings you could make by switching to a more competitive mortgage rate.
Remortgage Rate Calculator
Buy to Let ( BTL ) Mortgage Calculator
Use this buy to let mortgage calculator to search the buy to let mortgage market and compare the btl mortgage or remortgage rates that meet your individual circumstances.
Buy to Let mortgage Calculator
If after looking at the mortgage calculator options above you would prefer to speak to a professional advisor, please complete our simple mortgage enquiry form below and we will contact you to discuss your mortgage requirements.
Bad Credit mortgage/ccj mortgage/mortgage arrears mortgages.
The overall cost for mortgage comparison is 5.2% APR. The actual rate available will depend upon your circumstances. Please ask for a personalised illustration. Rate correct as of 08/09/2015
We normally do not charge a fee for mortgage advice, however a fee paying option is available. Our typical fee would be £500
Think carefully before securing other debts against your home, your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
Go is a trading style for website purposes of Go Direct UK Ltd.
Go Financial Services is a trading style of Go Direct UK Ltd which is an appointed representative of Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England & Wales Company 5703224. FCA Number 456600
We normally do not charge a fee for mortgage advice, however a fee paying option is available. Our typical fee would be £500
Use this free mortgage calculator to save money on your home loan today. Loan term: years. Start date: Free mortgage rates widget for your website.
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