It is estimated that one in four of us have, or have had, some bad or adverse credit issue at some time in our lives. Depending on what that issue is does not stop us getting a mortgage but it does mean we have to know where to look. If you have a current issue such as a CCJ (County Court Judgement), missed mortgage or loan payments, bankruptcy or IVA (Individual Voluntary Agreement) many of these products and services are not available via the High Street lenders and you need to seek independent advice to get access to these services.
Don't jump out of the frying pan into the fire. Speak to an expert!Your independent advisor should help you find a lender who will loan you the money (this may be at a slightly higher interest rate) but will also help you plan ahead. You should aim to try to achieve a sustained period of good credit history so that, in time, you can benefit from some of the cheaper deals available from the High Street lenders (this may typically take about 2 years). Ask your personal advisor about a Mortgage Management Scheme.
Resist the temptation of spending on credit or store cards (the interest rates they charge are phenomenal). Don't take out unnecessary loans, run up overdrafts or spend on things you don't need. The short term gain of these credit agreements will come back to bite you and your first priority must be to get your mortgage back on track and ultimately save yourself thousands of pounds by paying a lower interest rate.
To speak to an independent FSA (Financial Services Authority) regulated mortgage advisor now complete our no obligation enquiry form below. This service is completely free and your personal broker is under obligation to give you 'best advice' depending on your circumstances and requirements. Your personal independent broker may suggest other mortgage products to you that you may be unaware of.
Compare mortgages that may still be available if you have bad credit. The remortgage deals in this comparison are designed for homeowners with a poor credit rating
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Remortgage with bad credit - Online Mortgage Adviser
With any remortgage, bad credit can cause real problems. We are asked regularly, can i remortgage with bad credit? and specifically which types of credit issue
Bad Credit Remortages For Those With Poor Credit History
Need a remortgage with poor or bad credit history? As brokers we compare deals for adverse credit remortgages and match the right mortgage deal for you.
Bad Credit Remortgages - credit score chart
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Bad Credit Remortgages
Can you remortgage with bad credit? Quickly compare which lenders are offering the cheapest bad credit remortgage deals and rates.
Poor Credit Remortgages - First Choice Finance
Utilise our 25 years of mortgage experience to get your free personal poor credit remortgage quotation. When you are unfortunate enough to have some adverse or bad
Bad Credit and Remortgages - Remortgage Deals Comparison ...
If you have a bad credit history, or even a previous CCJ, your options will probably be limited when it comes to getting a remortgage.. :
Bad Credit Remortgage - Best Mortgage Deals
Searching for the Bad Credit Remortgages? Well, you have just found it. We compare 100s of bad credit remortgages to find the best deal for you.
Credit Problems | Remortgage Deals
Bad Credit Remortgage Quote. Do you have mortgage arrears, CCJs, an IVA or have you been declared bankrupt in the past? If so borrowing can be difficult.