Ronnie has worked for Melwoods landscaping team for the past 8 years. He first came to Melwood after graduating from high school. Ronnie says that Melwood has helped him become a better person. Hes learned how to live independently, remain focused on the job and, most importantly, he can be himself. Ronnie also assists with the grounds maintenance for the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. His site supervisor says that Ronnie is a true professional. He is assigned several tasks each day, but his favorite part of the job is cutting the grass. This may or may not have something to do with the cool lawnmower he gets to drive!
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Car | Definition of car by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of CAR 1 : a vehicle moving on wheels: as a archaic : carriage, chariot b : a vehicle designed to move on rails (as of a railroad) c : automobile 2
Car | Define Car at
noun 1. an automobile. 2. a vehicle running on rails, as a streetcar or railroad car. 3. the part of an elevator, balloon, modern airship, etc., that carries the
car definition of car by The Free Dictionary
car (kär) n. 1. An automobile. 2. A vehicle, such as a streetcar, that runs on rails: a railroad car. 3. A boxlike enclosure for passengers and freight on a - Official Site
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