Dr. Jean Philippe Bocage, a board certified thoracic surgeon, is one of the countrys leading specialists in Video Thoracic Surgery (VATS). VATS, a type of minimally invasive surgery, can be used to both diagnose mesothelioma and remove cancerous pleura. Dr. Bocage is a partner at Thoracic Group, PA in Somerset, NJ, and his hospital affiliations include Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Somerset Medical Center, and CentraState Medical Center. He is a clinical professor at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Drexel University. Dr. Bocage completed the entirety of his medical training and education at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (Rutgers), ranked among U.S. News and World Reports Americas Best Hospitals for six consecutive years. As a foremost VATS expert, Dr. Bocage been published widely, with research appearing in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery and Surgical Endoscopy, among others. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
Contact Info
Thoracic Group, 35 Clyde Road, Suite 104
Somerset, NJ 08873
Academic Appts
University Name
Drexel University Medical School
Academic Title
Assistant Clinical Professor
University Name
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Academic Title
Clinical Assistant Professor
General Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
University Name
George Washington University
University Name
Rutgers University
General Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Hospital Name
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
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