Factors Affecting Your Prognosis
Certain factors determine your prognosissome of these you can control directly, while others require treatment from an experienced doctor.
Factors that arent under your direct control:
- Cancer stage (stage one, two, three, or four)
- Age
- Gender
- Location of the mesothelioma (pleural, peritoneal, pericardial)
- Cell type of the mesothelioma (epithelioid, sarcomatoid, or biphasic)
Factors that under your control:
- Getting treatment from an experienced doctor
- Living a healthy lifestyleeating healthy and exercising
Improving Your Prognosis
You can improve your prognosis by getting treatment from an experienced doctor, participating in clinical trials, and living a healthy lifestyle. Seeing an experienced doctor and participating in clinical trials helps you attack mesothelioma headon and expands your treatment options; living a healthy lifestyle strengthens your immune systeman important weapon in your fight against mesothelioma.
Get treatment from an experienced doctor
Because it's rare, few doctors have seen mesothelioma, and even fewer have the experience to give you effective treatment. Seeking help from a doctor with experience treating mesothelioma is the most important step you can take to improve your prognosis.
Participate in clinical trials
Clinical trials play an essential role in the development of new treatmentssome of which may lead to a cure in the future. Most traditional mesothelioma treatmentsthe EPP, P/D, and cytoreduction with HIPECbegan in clinical trials, and now extend the life expectancy of many patients. Participating in a clinical trial allows you to access new treatments, like immunotherapy, and expand your options.
Live a healthy lifestyle
You can help improve your prognosis by eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise. A healthy immune system can also help you recover from side effects caused by major treatments, like surgery or chemotherapy.
About Survival Rates
Survival rates are part of your prognosis, but are just numbersyour doctor uses them to help you understand how your diagnosis may affect your health, not to show you how long you have to live. Theyre based on statistics researchers collect from large groups of patients with the same cell type, cancer stage, and location of mesothelioma. Doctors also use survival rates to help them decide which treatments will work best for your diagnosis.
You may see mesothelioma survival rates as a 5-year percentage, or for a specific amount of years and months. 5 year rates show the percentage of patients who survived 5 years after they were diagnosed, and specific years or months reflect how long a patient survived after they were diagnosed or received treatment.
According to the most recent statistics from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the current 5 year survival rates are:
- 44.2 percent for patients 45 years old or younger.
- 15.6 percent for patients between the ages 45 54.
- 15.9 percent for patients less than 65.
- 5.1 percent for patients over 65.
Your doctor may also relate your survival rate to the cancer stage and location of the mesothelioma:
- Patients with stageone or stagetwo pleural mesothelioma have an average life expectancy of 19 to 38 months.
- Patients with stagethree or stagefour mesothelioma have an average life expectancy of up to 11 months.
- Patients with peritoneal mesothelioma have an average life expectancy of 12 months.
Doctors also use statistics specific to the cell type and location of mesothelioma to help determine which treatment options will work best for each patient. Depending on how far the cancer spreads, doctors may have limited options when removing it with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.
Earlystage mesothelioma hasnt spread as far as advancedstage mesothelioma, and is easier to remove. If you have a history of asbestos exposurethe only known cause of mesothelioma getting diagnosed as soon as possible will allow you more treatment options, and give you a better chance to improve your prognosis.
Understanding Your Prognosis
Your survival rate is based on statistics researchers gather from the experiences of patients in the pastits not an exact prediction of your future. Doctors use such statistics to help explain how your diagnosis may affect your health, quality of life, and treatment options. To start improving your prognosis, seek treatment from a doctor who has experience with mesothelioma patients. He or she will confirm your diagnosis, and create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Our Patient Help Team can have a conversation with you about your diagnosis, and can help connect you to experienced doctorsfor free. Speak with a member of our team and get started on improving your prognosis.
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