Across the United States, large commercial trucks are responsible for 150,000 accidents and more than 5,000 deaths every year. Truck driver fatigue is largely to blame for many of these accidents. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates that 20,000 accidents are caused by truck driver fatigue alone. If you are in one of these accidents, its very important to contact a Denver semi truck accident attorney for help as soon as possible.
Why do Truck Drivers Drive Fatigued?
Trucking companies make larger profits when they deliver more goods. As such, they often encourage truck drivers to push past the recommended hours-of-service. Truck drivers are also only paid for the time they are driving. The longer they drive, the more money they make. Thus, some of them keep two sets of logbooks in order to drive more hours than they are allowed.
A FMCSA study found that 3 out of 4 truck drivers reported at least one driving error in the last year due to fatigue.
Sleepy truck drivers are deadly. A fully loaded big rig weighs up to 80,000 lbs and when a truck driver operates this vehicle while tired deadly mistakes can occur. Fatigued truck drivers make mistakes on the road. They may drive erratically, fail to slow down in a turn, fail to notice a vehicle as they change lanes, or drift into oncoming traffic. If a truck driver has been awake for 18 hours, it is the equivalent of driving a big rig with a BAC above the legal limit.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a trucking accident in Colorado, it is in your best interests to speak to a knowledgeable Denver truck accident attorney as soon as possible. Truck accident litigation can be extremely complex and you need a law firm on your side that can fight for your rights.
In order to prevent truck driver fatigue and improve the safety of Americas roads, the FMCSA has imposed specific rules and regulations that truck drivers are supposed to abide by. These regulations are also known as the FMCSAs Hours-of-Service (HOS).
Common HOS Requirements:
- Truck drivers must take a 30 minutes break during the first 8 hours of driving
- Property carrying drivers are only allowed to work a maximum of 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off duty
- Truck drivers may not operate their truck after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 days
- A 34-hour off-duty period is required to restart the workweek
Contact Our Denver Trucking Accident Lawyers
If you or someone you love has been injured in a trucking accident, contact one of our experienced and skilled Denver trucking accident lawyers. For a free initial consultation with Hillyard, Wahlberg, Kudla, Sloane & Woodruff, LLP, call 800-630-2366 or contact us online.
Trucking accidents can be devastating. If you've been injured in one, a Denver semi truck accident attorney at our law firm can help you. Experience counts.
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