Selling Structured Settlement Payments Peachtree

What is a structured settlement?

If youve been awarded a structured settlement, youre receiving periodic payments awarded to you by a court, an insurance company, or other party. The payments or cash are often a result of a personal injury lawsuit or settlement, or workers compensation settlement. Instead of receiving an initial one-time payment at settlement, periodic payments are granted over time. The structured settlement  payments are usually made by an insurance company and are designed to meet your financial obligations over the coming years. But they dont always keep up with the realities of your life. Selling some or all of your structured settlement payments to Peachtree can get you the money you need now.

A common misconception for many people is that this process is a loan taken against their settlement payments. Fortunately, it is not a loan, because you are actually selling your future settlement payments. The main difference between the two is that, unlike a loan, you will not have to pay anything back.  Another distinction between receiving cash for structured settlement payments and obtaining a loan is that Peachtree will not take your credit score into consideration when working with you. 

There are various types of lawsuits that could result in money from a structured settlement, including:

Personal Injury

This type of structured settlement is intended to cover medical expenses and other damages, following an injury caused directly or indirectly by a defendant.

Auto Accidents
Regular settlement payments for car accidents are normally set up to cover medical fees and related costs.

Wrongful Death

Damages awarded to the family of someone whose death is deemed the fault of a liable party.

Medical Malpractice
Structured settlements could be paid out when health care providers provide subpar treatment, leading to worsened health condition or death.

Workers Compensation

A form of insurance that pays for the medical bills, loss of wages, and future compensation when an employee is injured or disabled on the job.

Product Liability

Claims awarded and damages paid by the manufacturer or distributor of a faulty product.

Premises Liability
Damages awarded due to the negligence of a landowner for certain torts or infringement of rights that occur on their property.

Mass Tort Cases

Lawsuits and other mass tort cases that are settled by companies within industries such as tobacco, herbicide, or medical manufacturing.

How can selling your structured settlement payments fund your goals?

Selling your structured settlement payments to Peachtree can serve as the first step to achieving your goals. There are multiple benefits, starting with the fact that you can receive the cash you need sooner than you would otherwise. Peachtree offers you the flexibility to choose how many payments you want to sell now, and which ones you want to leave intact, giving you more control over your money.  In many cases, you can even decide to sell just a portion of each payment so you can continue to receive the remaining portion of your regular payments.

You can use the money to invest in a business or an education, or fund larger items, like a car or house. The cash from your structured settlement payments can help your family avoid taking out loans, and can even improve your credit score, by paying off outstanding debt such as credit cards, personal loans, or asset-based loans. Essentially, cashing out part of your structured settlement payments can help you accomplish your goals sooner. 

How does Peachtree help me cash out my structured settlement payments?

So, you may want the cash from your future structured settlement payments sooner, rather than later, but aren't sure what steps are necessary to take. First, reach out to Peachtree. From there, we will guide you through the process, so you can receive the cash you need in a way that works best for you. 

How can I be sure selling my structured settlement payments is right for me?

Selling your structured settlement payments is a legal process, and once youve gone through a few steps with Peachtree, well get that process underway. As structured settlement payment purchasers, well ask for documents to prepare your transaction for court approval and do our best to ensure things go as smoothly as possible.

All transfers of structured settlement payments from you to a structured settlement payment purchasing company must be reviewed and approved by a judge to ensure that the transaction is in your best interest. This court process is in place to protect you and your interests.

While well do all the heavy lifting and keep you informed throughout the court process, you may need to appear in court before your sale to a structured settlement payment purchasing company is finalized. Whether court appearance is required varies from court to court. Your Peachtree representative will keep you informed as your case progresses.

Making Decisions

Once you contact Peachtree, well be with you every step of the way. Your dedicated representative will explain all of your options clearly, and make sure youre comfortable with every facet of your structured settlement payment sale. If you ever have any questions, your representative can help you understand the details of your transfer, and keep you up-to-date on the process while we work to get you your money.

Determining the value of your structured settlement payments.

Every structured settlement payment stream is unique. Peachtree does not apply a pre-determined discount rate to determine the value of your structured settlement. Instead, the present value is dependent upon the duration of your settlement, the timing of your payments and the total amount of your settlement. Or in simpler terms, the present value of your settlement comes down to time (how long until your settlement will be paid in full) and money (the total amount you are to receive from your settlement).

Time affects the purchasing power of money. The average price of a new car in 1990 was about $17,000. Today, it will cost you over $31,000 on average and you can bet that in 20 years it will cost even more. So while a dollar will always be a dollar, it wont buy you as much in the future as it will now. Its a simple example, but it might help you understand how the duration of time that your settlement is to be paid out affects what your settlement is worth today.

Obviously these sample amounts are fictional, but hopefully it helps you understand how time affects the purchasing power of money and the present value of your structured settlement. 

If any or all of this is still confusing to you, dont worry. A Peachtree representative is always standing by to talk to you and answer your questions person to person. We have years of experience helping people like you understand what their settlement payments are worth and how they can use them to achieve their goals.

What makes Peachtree a leading buyer of structured settlement payments?

Since its launch in 1996, Peachtree has provided quality, personal experiences for our customers. As a result, we have helped tens of thousands of people sell their structured settlement payments to get the cash they need, on a timetable that is most convenient for their unique goals. Now, it can be your turn to receive cash for your structured settlement payments. 

Your Peachtree representative will take whatever steps are necessary to help you understand the specifics of selling your structured settlement payments for access to your cash sooner. Well answer all questions to ensure that you are fully comfortable and confident with every step of the process. More importantly though, your representative takes the time to get to know you, your current needs, and what individual goals you would like the money to help accomplish. We understand that our customers are one-of-a-kind, and therefore, we strive to provide unique solutions that best fit their particular needs. Unlike many other companies that buy structured settlement payments, the representative you work with now will be the same person you work with for all future structured settlement payment sales. 

Legal Steps

Selling your structured settlement payments is a legal process, and once youve gone through a few steps with Peachtree, well get that process underway. As structured settlement payment purchasers, well ask for documents to prepare your transaction for court approval and do our best to ensure things go as smoothly as possible.

All transfers of structured settlement payments from you to a funding company must be reviewed by a judge to ensure the transaction is in your best interest. This court process is in place to protect you and your interests.

While well do all the heavy lifting and keep you informed throughout the court process, you may need to appear in court before your sale to a structured settlement payment purchasing company is finalized. Whether court appearance is required varies from court to court. Your Peachtree representative will keep you informed as your case progresses.

Achieve your goals with a custom solution

A person who is selling structured settlement payments to pay back school loans may need a different monetary solution than someone who wants to pay for a car in cash. Luckily, Peachtree representatives will present you with a wide range of options. It is important to know that you dont have to cash out your entire structured settlement now, as you'll also have the option of selling only a portion of your payments. Plus, you can actually choose which payments you want Peachtree to buy, and which should be left untouched. With so many options, it may seem stressful to decide how to best handle your settlement money; however, our knowledgeable representatives will make thoughtful recommendations based on your individual needs and goals, to make sure that the cash you receive now from your settlement payments can make for a better tomorrow.

Call Peachtree to sell your structured settlement payments now

To begin the process of selling your structured settlement payments, call Peachtree today or simply use the Chat Now online option. Were here to help you receive your money sooner.

When youre ready to sell all or part of your structured settlement payments, the first step is to connect with a Peachtree representative. From there, the process works like this:

Step 1: We listen.

Well ask about the nature of your settlement, such as from whom you are receiving payments and how often. Well also ask about your financial needs, and your plans for the money youll be using, as these are relevant issues for the court that will review the sale of your payments.

Step 2: We discuss your options.

When we know more about your structured settlement payments, well help you understand all the options you have, such as how much of your settlement payment stream youd like to sell, how youd like to structure the sale, and how much we feel your future payments are worth today.

Step 3: Paperwork

This step is one of the most important parts of the process and its a process that Peachtree has practically down to a science. We will have you send us all the documentation you have from your settlement. If there are additional documents that we need, or that you do not have readily available, we will either use our many resources to obtain them, or help you obtain them.

Step 4: Court process

All transfers of structured settlement payments from you to a funding company must be reviewed by a judge, to ensure the transaction is in your best interest. This court process is in place to protect you and your interests. Peachtree has extensive experience with this court order process. As the filing party, Peachtrees attorney files a petition with the court and requests a court date. Your Peachtree representative will keep you informed as your case progresses. Your representative will also let you know if you need to be at the hearing and what to expect.

Step 5: We transfer your funds

Once the court approves the sale of your structured settlement payments, we will receive a signed order from the judge and will complete our final underwriting review. We will then send you a check (or electronically transfer) for the purchase price. In most cases, you should receive payment within three business days of us receiving the signed court order.

Its very important that you understand everything about the sale of your structured settlement payments, and your dedicated representative will do their best to address any questions you might have. Here, you can find the answers to some of the most common questions that arise during the process.

How long will it take?

Every case is different, and the total length of the process varies based on individual circumstances. We work as efficiently as possible for all aspects of the transfer that are in our control. However, its important to note that filing and preparing for court can take some time to ensure your transfer goes as smoothly as possible. The average transaction funds within 60 to 90 days of Peachtree receiving completed paperwork (individual transaction times vary based on individual circumstances). If you have a pressing need that cannot wait until funding, you can typically receive a cash advance of a portion of your purchase price within 24 to 72 business hours after we receive your required documents.*

*Advances are subject to approval at Peachtrees sole discretion. Cash advances are not a loan. They are an advance of part of the purchase price for the sale of your structured settlement payments. Call 800-444-0916 for additional terms and conditions.

Will I need a lawyer?

In some states, you may be required by statute to consult with a professional advisor. If you have questions about the legal or financial implications of your transfer we encourage you  to obtain independent advice, because we want our customers to have the best understanding possible of their transaction.

Who will I be working with at Peachtree?

You will work with one representative throughout the entire process. This representative will be familiar with all the ins and outs of your transfer, and will be available to answer any questions you might have.

What documents will I need?

Generally, we will need a copy of your annuity contract and settlement agreement. Your individual circumstances will dictate what additional documentation we need. This documentation could include: divorce decrees, child support documentation, bankruptcy documents, proof of domicile, and additional documents pertaining to your settlement and annuity.

Will I need to appear in court?

All transfers require court approval and the majority of jurisdictions will require you to appear in court for a best interest hearing. This is for your own protection, to make sure you understand all the details of the sale and to ensure the transfer is in your best interest.

Do I have to sell my entire structured settlement payment stream?

No. You can choose to sell only part of your structured settlement payment stream. When we discuss your financial needs with you, well outline all your options to help you determine the best course of action.

Why does it matter what Ill do with the money?

When you receive a settlement, its designed to help you for the duration of the structured settlements payments. But the reality is that sometimes you need more money during certain times in your life, and the original settlement cant possibly predict when these times will occur. By demonstrating how that money can help you now, all parties involved can agree that the sale of your structured settlement payments would be in your best interest.

Why should I choose Peachtree?

Our experienced, dedicated representatives listen to your goals and then clearly explain all of the options available to help make those goals a reality. Its all part of something we call the Peachtree Promise. Learn more about it now.

Selling Structured Settlement Payments | Peachtree
Legal Steps. Selling your structured settlement payments is a legal process, and once youve gone through a few steps with Peachtree, well get that process underway.

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Need cash for your structured settlement or annuity payments? Selling future payments can help you Peachtree Financial Solutions is here to help people

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Sell structured settlement payments. Peachtree can help you enjoy the benefits of receiving your money sooner. By selling us all or some of your structured settlement

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