Getting a remortgage with adverse credit used to be nearly impossible. Traditionally lenders would be reluctant to extend further lending products to those who had a poor history of using credit in the past and those needing to remortgage their property with find the conditions of lending agreements prohibitively adverse. These days, however, numerous companies offer mortgage and remortgage products to those with adverse credit ratings. If you feel this applies to you the following guide will help you find out more about getting a remortgage with adverse credit.
If you are in this situation, however, it should take a lot of thought before you make the step to remortgage your property. A remortgage is a big move as it requires putting up your home as collateral. If you are confident you can pay the entire amount back without incurring any penalties then, no matter how adverse your credit score may be, this can be a great way to get a quick injection of money.
Sub Prime Remortgage
If you seek a remortgage with adverse credit it is likely you will need to find a sub prime mortgage lender. These lenders specialise in dealing with applicants whose adverse credit scores find them unable to get a mortgage elsewhere. Sub prime lending can be a great help to those who have had difficulty with repayments in the past but they also come with their own risks and potential pitfalls. If you are aware of what these pitfalls are and are confident you can avoid them, however, purchasing a remortgage with adverse credit can be a really smart move as the advantages are many.
In order to cover the extra risk of agreeing to a remortgage with adverse credit lenders of sub prime products will apply an adjustable rate of interest to the capital. This is an intentionally unpredictable interest rate which is highly likely to shoot upwards quite soon after the term of your loan begins. Known in some companies as a "floating rate" it will most likely begin at the company standard rate but can increase significantly as little as a single month into the repayment process. This can come as a shock to some buyers as the sudden hike in their repayments is not something that is easy to prepare for.
The disadvantages of sub prime lending are, therefore, quite clear. The advantages, however, are also extremely strong. If you have a consistent, solid budget planned for the term of the remortgage which takes into account the potential changes in the interest rate then it can be one of the best ways to repair an adverse credit rating. If you make it through the term paying back consistently and carefully, by the end you should be able to apply most credit products on the market as you will have proved your trustworthiness as a borrower.
Other Options
If you are in an adverse situation due to financial history and looking to remortgage, you should be aware that sub prime lending might not be your only option. There are no hard and fast rules of granting or not granting a remortgage with adverse credit and just because one lender turns you down does not mean everyone will. In fact one mortgage company could refuse you on a second mortgage due to your low rating, while another could grant you an even better mortgage with a better set of conditions. There is nothing in UK law which governs the offering of a remortgage with adverse credit so shopping around could help you avoid sub prime lending.
If it is possible for you to get a fixed rate remortgage with adverse credit this is advisable. Fixed rates charge interest above the standard rate but guarantee that it will remain in the initial position throughout a set term of time. Fixed rates are helpful to those who have previously had difficulty with borrowing as they allow you to budget for all repayments. As the interest rate will not go up or down during the term you will not suddenly find yourself paying more than you had bargained for. Keep in mind however that fixed rates do come with the disadvantage of not coming down in line with the lender's standard rate, so it can be quite frustrating if you sign up for a fixed rate to save money and then find it ends up costing you extra.
There was a time when having some financial mistakes in your history disqualified you from getting second mortgage and all the benefits of doing so. Luckily it no longer needs to be like that. Sub prime lenders now allow you to remortgage with adverse credit. So if you think taking out further borrowings using your home as collateral is the right move, you should look into what they are offering.
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