Mesothelioma Doctors Locate the Nearest Mesothelioma

If you have a mesothelioma diagnosis, you may be wondering what type of mesothelioma doctor you should see. Because mesothelioma is a form of cancer, mesothelioma doctors are cancer specialists. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may see a number of mesothelioma doctors who specialize in three broad cancer treatment categories: medications, radiation, and surgery. A specialist in each of these areas would likely oversee your treatment in the same area.

Types of mesothelioma doctors include:

  • Medical oncologists  A medical oncologist specializes in treatments with medications, including chemotherapy. Your medical oncologist would prescribe and monitor your medications as well as recommend other necessary treatments. Your medical oncologist would also work with any other specialists you may be seeing to coordinate care and a treatment plan.
  • Radiation oncologists  This type of mesothelioma doctor specializes in treating tumors with radiation therapy. The radiation used for mesothelioma treatment may come from a machine outside the body, or it may come from radioactive material placed in the body near tumor cells or injected into the bloodstream.
  • Surgical oncologists  A surgical oncologist specializes in biopsies and surgeries for cancer treatment. Surgery can be performed to remove tumors and cancerous tissues where possible.

In addition to mesothelioma doctors who specialize in the treatment of the disease, you may need to see other doctors and medical professionals as part of your mesothelioma care. For example, you may wish to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist to help with the psychological and emotional challenges of living with mesothelioma.

What to Look for in Mesothelioma Doctors

When looking for a mesothelioma doctor, here are some general guidelines that might be helpful. Check for the following with each mesothelioma doctor you visit.

  • Experience  A mesothelioma doctor should have significant experience treating the specific type of mesothelioma that you have. If you learn how many mesothelioma cases your doctor has treated over his or her career and over the past year, you may feel more confident under his or her care.
  • Training and education  You may wish to ask where your mesothelioma doctor received education and training. This information might be provided on the hospitals website or a state-operated medical database.
  • Board certification  Your mesothelioma doctor should be a board-certified oncologist.
  • Availability and openness  Is your mesothelioma doctor available to answer questions and speak with you about your concerns? Its important that your doctor be available for patients.

Mesothelioma Legal Help

If you or someone you love has mesothelioma, its important to be informed of your legal rights. You may be entitled to compensation from the manufacturer of the asbestos product to which you were exposed. Submit the form or call the toll-free phone number on this page to request a free information packet. The packet contains information about your legal rights as well as about mesothelioma treatments and treatment centers.


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