DEFINITION of 'Conference Call'
An event during which investors can call in to hear a company's management report its quarterly results as well as forward, or projected, earnings. A conference call generally begins with an uninterrupted report from management. Then the meeting is opened up for questions. While the average investor can only listen to the call, the reporting company will often answer questions from analysts.
This type of conference call is also known as an "earnings conference call," "analyst call," "earnings call" or "results-earnings call."
BREAKING DOWN 'Conference Call'
Most publicly held companies hold four conference calls per year, one for each quarter. The calls are recorded, and sometimes the call is also broadcast live on the internet. After the fact, it may be possible to listen to the call and/or read a transcript of the call online. The company management participating in the call usually includes some combination of the CEO, CFO and senior vice presidents.
DEFINITION of 'Conference Call' An event during which investors can call in to hear a company's management report its quarterly results as well as forward, or
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DEFINITION of 'Earnings Call' A conference call between the management of a public company, analysts, investors and the media to discuss the financial results during
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Conference Call Definition | Investopedia known as an "earnings conference call," "analyst call," "earnings call" or "results-earnings call."
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Earnings call - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An earnings call is a teleconference, or increasingly a webcast, in which a public company discusses the financial results of a reporting period via an 800 number and
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