It's not all about us! We want our clients to know that they're very important to us. There are many advantages to hosting a conference call with our company. Aside from the fast, efficient conferencing service that's available 24/7, you can reach far more associates than you might have realized. Conference calling has become the most effective way of staying ahead in any industry. Wheather your company is a small start up or a large fortune 100 company, we have the audio conferencing (and web conferencing - call for details) solution to fit your needs.
Over the past few years, Priority Conferencing has grown into one of the most successful providers of automated and full service conferencing solutions. We take our clients seriously.
Are YOU on the list?
If you fit into these lists, then we are the ideal company for you.
The most common reasons that businesses use Priority Conferencing include the following:
- Sales meetings
- Project management calls
- CEO announcements
- Quarterly earnings announcements
- Investor relations
- Board of Directors meetings
- Employee announcements
- Marketing teams
- Executives
- Group & team leaders
- Small business employee meetings
- Internal company training workshops
- Training seminars
- Company meetings
- Annual meeting planners/preparation calls
- Press conferences
- Market research
- Political meetings
- Family reunions
- Private event coordination
- Audio workshops
- Auctions
- Job interviews
Popular Industries
This list includes some of the most common industries that use Priority Conferencing for their conference calls. It is not a full list and in fact, we provide conference call services to every industry in the world.
- Technology industry
- Finance industry
- Manufacturing industry
- Attorneys / Lawyers / Law Firms (Common legal applications include arbitration, mediation, depositions, and fact checking)
- Accounting (Hold meetings with people in various offices and cities)
- Pharmaceuticals industry
- Medical sales calls (speak with doctors, company members, vendors, and so on.)
- Education (For example, holding office hours)
- Travel industry
- Venture capital
- Oil, gas and natural resources companies
- Private organizations
- Associations
- MLM conferences
- Religious organizations
- Government
- Media companies
- Non-profits
Types of Companies
We serve companies of all sizes. We are proud to say that our clients span the range from "mom and pop shops" to Fortune 500 type organizations.
- Home office meetings & sales calls
- Independent Consultants
- Small & medium-sized business (SMBs) meetings
- Fortune 500-sized corporations
- Publicly traded companies
- Local, regional, national, and international companies
For more information or to get started, please contact us.
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About You. It's not all about us! We want our clients to know that they're very important to us. There are many advantages to hosting a conference call with our company.
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