Sell Structured Settlement Payments For The Best Price

Thinking of selling your structuredsettlement, but don't knowwhere to turn for free advice and assistance?

Direct Settlement offers structured, straightforward and jargon-freehelp forpeople just like you. Contactus today for a confidential discussionabout your situation.

Why Sell?

There are many benefits to enjoying a regular monthlystructured settlement payment. But life has a way of throwing upchallenges that only a lump sum of cash can help you with.

Consider askingus for advice if any of these situations apply to you:

  • Unexpected medical bills
  • Threat of foreclosure onyour home
  • An increase in storecard or credit card debt
  • The need tohelp a friend or family member

Direct Settlement can help you get the most money in theshortest possible time. Contactus for a no-obligation consultation.

What We Need To Know

You'll need to have some information available before youcontact us:

  • The total settlement figure
  • How much your monthly payments are
  • When the next payment is due
  • How many payments remain

Not sure of any of these details? Contactus and we'll helpyou to figure them out.

"I don't like dealing with legal matters..."

Don't worry! Everything will be explained to you in plainEnglish. We'll take care of all the paperwork and ensure you understandevery step of the process.

Contactus to find out what your monthly payments could beworth as a lump sum to you.

Sell your Structured Settlement, Annuity or Lottery Payments.
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Sell Structured Settlement Payments: Selling structured settlements? We're buying! Thinking of selling your structured settlement,

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Selling Your Payments. Selling your structured settlement or annuity payments can be the solution to a range of financial troubles. Whether you're thinking of buying

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