If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you have by now almost certainly been confronted with the harsh reality of the disease. The internet is brutally honest about patients prognoses and the last thing most people want to think about after being diagnosed with mesothelioma is a lawyer. Yet, everywhere the patient turns, there is another print, radio or television advertisement or attorney website encouraging folks to hire an attorney and to do so quickly. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to search for critical information about state of the art medical treatment and prognoses without first sifting through attorney websites and advertisements. Even the most informative websites are maintained by law firms seeking clients with mesothelioma. This is frankly because of the high value associated with prosecuting mesothelioma cases. The onslaught of information is overwhelming for the patient and for his or her family, and they truly don't know who to trust.
Attorney Donald R. Oder has personally worked with hundreds of people suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos related cancers. He has personally worked with the patients and their families through the litigation process and understands too well the personal toll mesothelioma takes. The litigation process can be daunting, requiring time and effort from patients at a time when they are struggling to fight a terrible disease. A typical mesothelioma case requires the patient to sit through initial and follow up interviews often trying to remember decades of exposure history, a cumbersome deposition (sometimes days or even weeks of testimony depending upon what the patient remembers about his or her exposure history), requests for documents going back decades and a trial. Surprisingly, it is most often the patients who are committed to the process despite the toll it takes on them and on their families. This is because they seek justice. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos and those diagnosed are almost always perplexed that they were never told of its hazards. In some cases, the patient has no clue how they might have been exposed and are baffled that they have contracted an asbestos disease.
Choosing an attorney experienced in prosecuting mesothelioma and other asbestos related cases is like navigating a maze. Attorney Donald R. Oder will sit down with you and explain the entire process, good and bad, and prepare you for the road ahead should you choose to pursue a case. He has assisted mesothelioma patients and their families for more than ten years and cares deeply about their circumstances. At the Law Office of Donald R. Oder, we network with the most experienced attorneys around the country, particularly where mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases are concerned. Our firm works side by side with our colleagues to ensure the maximum personal attention to our clients. With the Law Office of Donald R. Oder on your side, you will not only benefit from the resources of the largest and most experienced asbestos firms, you will have Mr. Oder by your side for the entire process.
For a frank and honest discussion about what is in store for you should you choose to bring suit against the asbestos companies, please contact attorney Donald R. Oder at (888) 900-9002.
Frequently Asked Questions
Choosing an attorney experienced in prosecuting mesothelioma and other asbestos related cases is like navigating a maze. Attorney Donald R. Oder will sit down with
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