Mesothelioma San Diego

Our California mesothelioma lawyers can initially consider a potential mesothelioma lawsuit on the basis of the diagnosis alone, just because mesothelioma is a rare disease occurring almost never in the absence of asbestos exposure. Our mesothelioma attorneys can be almost certain that in any particular individual case we will be able to identify the source of the asbestos exposure, which will often have taken place 20 to 50 years prior to the date of diagnosis. Mesothelioma can result from direct exposure to asbestos or indirect exposure. Direct exposure is most commonly the result of working in professions in which asbestos was used, trades such as were employed in shipyards, and generally, pipe fitters, insulators, plasterers, electricians, bricklayers, carpenters, steel workers, mine workers, auto mechanics, the U.S. military, or at factories or in other industries, professions and trades in which asbestos was used. Direct exposure sometimes also has occurred as the result of asbestos in heating systems i n work places, in homes, apartment buildings, and even in schools. Indirect exposure to asbestos has commonly been found to occur, for example, in family members of those who worked in these industries, who came into contact with asbestos fibers from clothing worn by the worker.

Confirming the diagnosis, and then identifying the source of the asbestos exposure are the first steps our mesothelioma lawyers undertake, followed by an exhaustive preparation of the damage evidence. recognizing that mesothelioma is a fatal disease, the statistical mean average being that the patient is likely to pass away within 2 years of the date of diagnosis, although the measurement of life expectancy in the individual case may differ, and our mesothelioma lawyers commonly rely on the prognoses of the client's treating physicians. The damages include "general damages," the client's loss of life expectancy, the loss of all that the client would have enjoyed had his life not been cut short, his emotional distress, pain and suffering. Our mesothelioma lawyers also work up the client's "special economic damages," including medical and hospital and related medical expense, past and future for the duration of the client's life expectancy; as well the loss of earnings the client would have received over the c ourse of his natural work life expectancy if he had not been stricken with the disease. For a more complete discussion of the measure of damages, and our California mesothelioma lawyers methods of preparing the damage evidence, including the array of experts required to properly prepare the damage evidence, you may consider our web page. Our California mesothelioma lawyers also represent the families of those who have passed away as the result of asbestos related mesothelioma. Again the diagnosis almost always assures that our mesothelioma attorneys will be able to identify the means of asbestos exposure, and then the damages in a mesothelioma wrongful death case include the family members' losses of love and affection and society and protection and emotional support, as well as economic support that they would have received from their loved one had he or she not succumbed to this asbestos related disease.

Our will consider representing mesothelioma clients in Northern and Southern California, in Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area, Orange County and San Jose, from Sacramento to San Diego, and we will consider representing those who have been diagnosed with the disease throughout the country with the aid of local attorneys in which cases we would generally appear as the primary trial attorneys pro hac vice.

By Ray Henke, Senior Trial Lawyer,

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