Colorado Truck Accident Causes : Bell & Pollock Law Firm

Bell & Pollock has years of experience working with people injured in a wide range of truck accidents. We have handled cases involving a variety of different factors, from alcohol and drugs to fatigued drivers and trucking companies that put unsafe vehicles on the road. We are thoroughly familiar with all of the common causes of truck accidents. Companies are increasingly putting a priority on getting products to market, rather than safety or the public.

Some of the most common causes of truck accidents in Colorado include:

 Other contributing factors in accidents include:

  • Improper maintenance
  • Faulty brakes
  • Tire blowouts
  • Aggressive or reckless driving

Large commercial trucks are a potentially dangerous presence on the roads and highways. Accidents often involve significant damage and catastrophic injuries. When we represent injury victims or families who lost loved ones in truck accidents, we bring experience and in-depth knowledge of the state and federal laws that govern the trucking industry in the United States. We take the time to learn about your truck accident and develop a strategy that addresses your specific legal needs. This detailed approach enables us to build strong, successful cases, one client at a time. Your truck accident matters here.

While the trucking companys insurance company might argue that the driver of the smaller passenger vehicle was at fault, we know that in most cases trucking accidents are the result of truck driver error.


Distracted driving is a growing problem in Colorado and throughout the country. When someone driving an 80,000 pound big rig is distracted, there is frighteningly high risk of a catastrophic truck accident. At Bell & Pollock, our attorneys know how dangerous accidents caused by distracted truck drivers can be in Colorado. We know because we have worked with so many families dealing with the aftermath of a serious truck accident. Thats why we work so hard to get injury victims a settlement or verdict for their accident.

Distracted driving is among the common causes of truck accidents in Colorado. In our modern age, there are many different ways drivers can become distracted on the road. Texting while driving is against the law nationwide for commercial truckers. A recent federal law prohibits drivers from using any kind of handheld cellphone or texting device while operating a commercial motor vehicle, even when stopped in traffic. Truck drivers caught breaking this law can face a steep fine.

Other examples of distracted truck driving include:

  • Operating a GPS device in a truck
  • Talking to a trucking company dispatcher
  • Eating while driving
  • Watching television while driving
  • Operating MP3 players and radios
  • Smoking, eating or drinking
  • Grooming
  • Talking to passengers

All it takes is one split second for a truck driver to look away from the road to cause a serious truck accident. Getting injury victims the money they rightfully deserve after an 18-wheeler accident or tractor-trailer accident is often not easy. Thats why some law firms avoid taking on such difficult cases. We see things differently. We believe the people facing the toughest legal challenges deserve our help even more. We have successfully won countless cases over the years, and were proud to put our knowledge and experience to work for you.

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Truck drivers often face pressure to get to their destination as fast as possible. Thats one of the reasons why you might notice truck drivers exceeding the speed limit on busy roads and highways like I-70 in Colorado. Speeding truckers might be trying to do their job, but they are putting everyone on the road at risk.

Unfortunately, truck drivers who travel too fast for road or weather conditions can serious truck accidents. Speeding is among the most common causes of truck accidents in Colorado. And when these accidents happen, the injuries can be severe or even fatal, often resulting in a wrongful death lawsuit in Colorado. Thats why its important you have a Colorado truck accident attorney on your side, looking out for your best interests.

Speeding by a truck driver can result in the following potentially catastrophic situations:

  • Inability to stop in time to avoid a crash
  • Loss of control of the truck, which might leave the road
  • Jackknifing
  • Hydroplaning on slick roads
  • Tipping over after a loss of control

Speeding might seem harmless compared to other driving behavior such as drunk driving or texting while driving. Professional truck drivers, however, are trained to drive a truck safely and are legally responsible to obey the rules of the road. Commercial drivers are held to higher standards than drivers of small passenger vehicles.

When truck drivers break the law or federal regulations, they need to be held responsible. They also are agents of the trucking company that owns the truck and hired them. We will hold that trucking company accountable if you or a loved one was injured or a loved one was killed in an accident.

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Truck Driver Fatigue

Falling asleep at the wheel poses a serious threat to the driver and everyone else on the road. When truck drivers fall asleep, the consequences can be particularly disastrous. Its not hard to imagine a horrific crash scene involving a truck driver who fell asleep while operating an 80,000 pound 18-wheeler. Our fatigued truck driver accident attorneys in Denver urge anyone, especially truck drivers, to pull over and rest if they are feeling too tired.

Unfortunately, tired truck drivers choose to keep driving, sometimes because they face pressure to meet deadlines. In the case of truck drivers, federal laws bar drivers from staying on the road too long without taking a break. According to these so-called Hours of Service rules, commercial truck drivers must take mandatory breaks and can only operate a truck for a limited amount of time each day. These laws exist to prevent against truck driver fatigue accidents, yet these accidents continue to take place far too often, making them one of the most common causes of truck accidents in Colorado.

Throughout Colorado, victims of truck accidents caused by tired truckers rely on Bell & Pollock to make things right. Based in the Denver suburb of Greenwood Village and serving people statewide, the Colorado tractor-trailer accident lawyers at Bell & Pollock have years of experience handling such difficult cases. The truck driver might deny falling asleep. We know how to thoroughly investigate such accidents and hold truck companies accountable. We can pore over every detail of the accident and determine if there were any Hours of Service violations. We will not rest until justice is served.

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Truck accidents caused by impaired truck drivers are among the most common causes of truck accidents in Colorado. Its not just drinking and driving thats the problem. In some cases, truck drivers take different drugs in order to stay more awake and alert when theyre driving across the country.

Truck drivers who take such risks often run out of luck and eventually cause an accident. And when they do, the consequences are often catastrophic. A fully-loaded tractor-trailer can weigh more than 80,000 pounds. When such large, often speeding vehicles slam into a normal car or motorcycle, the injuries are often serious or fatal.

The experienced legal team at Bell & Pollock are skilled at handling difficult truck accident cases. We will find out if the driver or the trucking company has a history of violating the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations. We also can find out if the driver had any previous citations, such as:

  • Abusing drugs or alcohol
  • Reckless driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Driving with improperly maintained equipment

Trucking companies and insurance companies will often do everything they can to avoid paying injury victims. Thats why its critical that you have an experienced truck accident lawyer in Colorado to fight for your rights and make sure you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. At Bell & Pollock, were proud of the work we do, and we would be honored to meet with you and discuss the details of your case.

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Overloaded truck

Overloaded trucks in Colorado violate numerous state and federal regulations. Theyre also extremely unsafe to operate, according to the attorneys at Bell & Pollock. When overloaded trucks collide with other vehicles, all that additional weight often translates into more serious tractor-trailer accidents involving catastrophic injuries or even wrongful death. Thats why accidents caused by overloaded trucks are among the most common causes of truck accidents in Colorado.

Laws exist limiting the amount of weight trucks can carry in an effort to prevent truck accidents. In Colorado, the weight limit for tractor trailers is 80,000 pounds for interstate highways; 85,000 pounds for non-interstate highways, according to the Colorado Department of Transportation. These laws were created to protect everyone on the road. Some of the most common problems associated with overloaded trucks include:

  • Take longer to stop
  • Harder to control around corners.
  • Prone to tire blowouts.
  • Cause roads to collapse.
  • Higher center of gravity, increasing the risk of a rollover.
  • More difficulty steering

Many truck drivers or trucking companies knowingly exceed legal weight limits. Many companies put profits ahead of safety, which can have disastrous consequences. If you or a loved one was injured or a loved one was killed in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for losses, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Contact us immediately at Bell & Pollock. We know that dealing with trucking companies and truck accidents can be difficult. We can help. We have years of experience negotiating with them and getting results for clients.

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Poorly maintained truck

Trucking companies must maintain their trucks in order to keep them safely operating on the road. When they fail to do so, they put everyone on the road in danger of being involved in a serious truck accident. Our attorneys take accidents due to poorly maintained trucks very seriously. We are skilled at the negotiating table, but are ready to argue before a judge and jury if necessary. We can help you file a truck accident lawsuit in Colorado if you believe thats the best way to get the compensation and closure you need.

Dealing with trucking companies and truck accidents can be very complicated. Thats why its critical that you contact us immediately so we can work with you to develop a legal strategy that addresses your specific needs. Accidents involving accusations of poorly maintained trucks can be extremely complicated. We want to get started quickly to help you sort through these issues and make sure you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Some common examples of poor truck maintenance that results in truck accidents include:

  • Faulty brakes
  • Malfunctioning turn indicators
  • Bald tires
  • Defective car parts
  • Broken headlights

What makes these cases even more complicated is the trucking company might point the finger at the truck manufacturer or even you, claiming you did something to cause the truck accident.

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Unqualified truck drivers

Trucking companies are required by state and federal law to hire truck drivers with the proper training and licenses. When trucking companies fail to do so, they risk employing a driver who might cause a serious accident. If you or a loved one was injured or your loved one was killed in a truck accident, the trucking company needs to be held accountable.

Trucking companies and truck accidents can be very complicated, but our attorneys at Bell & Pollock know how to handle complex legal matters involving negligent individuals and companies. We urge you to contact us immediately so we can begin investigating your accidents involving an unqualified truck driver

Under federal law, truck drivers must have a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) if they are driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). The federal government defines CMVs as a tractor-trailer (often an 18-wheeler) with an attached trailer weighing more than 10,000 pounds.

There are many other rules and regulations covering trucking companies and truck drivers. These include:

  • Truck companies must conduct a Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) before hiring a CMV driver.
  • An MVR must be conducted every 3 years.
  • Truck drivers must sign a release form allowing an employer to run an MVR.
  • Failure to allow a company to run an MVR should prohibit a truck driver from operating a commercial vehicle.
  • Pass medical exam

Proving that a driver is not qualified to operate a truck can be difficult, especially if the trucking company refuses to provide documentation of the truck drivers qualifications and driving record.

One of the most important things we look for after a truck accident is history of reckless driving by truck drivers. This includes previous truck accidents and positive drug or alcohol tests. If a trucking company knowingly hired a truck driver with a history of drinking and driving, we can fight on your behalf to hold the trucking company responsible.

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