Austin DWI Attorneys will tell you that the police in Travis County aggressively enforce Texas DWI laws. Dedicated patrol units selected for DWI enforcement will focus solely on suspected DWI drivers, and stop every vehicle they can. The officers who make up these DWI units are experienced DWI enforcement officers, and courtroom witnesses. You need an experienced Austin DWI Lawyer defending you against these seasoned officers. Once you have been arrested for DWI in Texas the clock starts ticking on how long we have to conduct a proper defensive investigation and construct the proper defense for you. Do not wait until the last minute to contact our Austin DWI attorneys. Fill out the contact form to your left, or call us right now!
What to do if pulled over for DWI in Austin, Texas
The first thing you need to do when you are pulled over for DUI in Austin, Texas is realize you are being investigated. Remain silent and do not waive your rights. Before you agree to perform any tests or answer any questions ask to speak to one of our Austin DWI Lawyers.
Everything you say and do or dont do is being recorded on the officers dash cam. It is advised you follow the Three Document Rule.
What to do after being arrested
The first thing you need to do after being released from jail and getting your vehicle from impound is contact one of our Austin DWI Attorneys. You only have 15 days from the date you are issued a Notice of Suspension to challenge your Texas drivers license suspension. If you fail to challenge this suspension, you will lose the right to appeal your license suspension entirely. When you hire us, one of our Austin DWI lawyers will file this appeal for you and represent you at this hearing.
What to expect from your Austin DWI Attorney
When we accept your case, one of our Austin DWI lawyers will begin to gather the information the state intends to use against you in court. This is called the discovery process. This process requires the State to provide us certain information. We also have on-staff investigative personnel who will conduct independent investigations when warranted.
Once the discovery process is complete the State will typically offer a plea bargain. We will advise you whether to accept or reject this offer, but ultimately it is your decision. No attorney can make you accept or reject any plea offer. We will explain the pros and cons of accepting the best offer we can get from the State on your behalf. Our Austin DWI attorneys have a lot of experience in how judges and juries will view various evidence at trail. This experience helps us understand, and explain to you, your chances of winning a Not Guilty verdict at trial. The better your chance of getting a Not Guilty verdict, the more likely the State will offer better plea offers.
Still, no matter how good the States plea offer is, it is not necessarily in your best interest to accept a plea offer on a case where there is a significant chance of winning at trial. As our Austin DWI lawyers will explain, there are lifelong consequences to being found guilty, or accepting a plea offer to a DWI in Texas. Some of these consequences include, denial or increased life and auto insurance, disqualification of certain employment opportunities, denial of travel to certain countries, loss or restriction of child visitation, loss or restriction of professional licenses, loss or denial of security clearances, and many more.
If you find yourself in need of an Austin DWI attorney call our office right now for a free consultation. You can call us 24 hours, seven days per week. One of our highly skilled Austin DWI lawyers will give you a good idea of what you are looking at and show you how we can help you best protect your freedom and your drivers license. Call right now, or fill out the form on your right and we will call you!
Austin DWI Attorney proper defensive investigation and construct the proper defense for Attorney Jamie "Dude" Balagia is responsible for the
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The First Amendment in generally enforced through an injunction or as a defense In a DWI investigation today Designed By Warhorse Marketing Attorney Jamie
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Law Offices of Jamie Balagia, P.C. · The DWI Dude · Always Ready to Fight for Your Legal Rights! Austin Offices: 310 Murray Avenue · Manor, TX 78653 P: 512.278
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Austin DWI Lawyers
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Austin DWI/DUI
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