Hold stocks, shares and traded endowments in an online SIPP pension plan.
05/04/2010 - Endowments, Stockmarket Trading - 0 Comments - 340 words
For those who wish to manage their own pension, SIPPs are well known to offer the flexibility for stock market investments, but its often overlooked that endowments and even traded endowments can form a useful base in low risk component - and they qualify to be held within a SIPP.
Despite the volatility of 2009 for the equity markets, investors continued to move towards opportunities with self-invested personal pension or 'SIPP' accounts.
AJ Bell, one of the biggest providers in this market, reported a 20% increase in the number of SIPP accounts set-up last year. The value of SIPP assets on its books grew 40% as investors looked to a possible market recovery.
Hargreaves Lansdown, the funds specialist ares now offering an online consolidated 'wrapper' for funds, stockbroking as well its traditional pensions services, reporting that its SIPP's business increased from £100 million to £3 billion in five years to mid 2009.
Qualifying investments for SIPP's include UK and international shares, gilts - government bonds, corporate bonds and exchange-traded funds, as well as a range of investment funds. Endowments and with-profits funds are hardly ever even mentioned in relation to SIPP's but they qualify, as indeed to Traded Endowments.
Info about TEP's - Traded Endowments.
Endowment holders may sell a policy into the market, where buyers are waiting - maybe to fund their SIPP. Rather than to just surrender the policy back to the original issuing life assurance company or endowment provider, the policy holder could get an improved premium.
Traded endowment policy brokers act to buy and may offer improved margin over the surrender value and then sell on to buyers who wish to take on a mid-term policy as an investment option.
Endowment policy holder could get improved rates on the surrended value by trading into the market and pension investors may be buyer of second hand endowment policies to hold with their SIPP.
This abbreviated article was posted as a system test. For further information on Traded Endowments and Pensions, check the links to 'Traded Endowments and Pensions' on ukcitymedia.co.uk home page.
Traded endowment margins improve for life policy holders who seek higher returns
03/04/2010 - Endowments - 0 Comments - 325 words
Those wishing to redeem an old endowment by trading into the resale market have found margins squeezed by the low interest environment of the last 18 months. Brokers have been unable to offer enough margin to warrant trades taking place.
However, TEP's or Traded endowment policy surrender values appear to be back on the increase after experiencing a couple of years of stagnation, according to leading TEP brokers.
The FT published a review recently indicating that policy surrender values in 2008 and 2009 were undoubtedly affected by the global recession with life companies adopting a defensive position against low interest rate, however values have started to recover.
Integrity Reviews Ltd, who conducted a study in endowment resale, indicated that it had monitored Tep surrender value movements and that brokers were once again offering positive surrender values ranging between 2 per cent and 10 per cent.
Iain Stamp, chief executive of Integrity, said: "Value increases may not yet fully compensate for the previous reductions applied to Tep based portfolios however, the green shoots of recovery seen in the global marketplace are now filtering through to the Tep market.
This good news for many endowment holders. Holders of with-profits policies, Life Assurance policies. Often, endowment policies that have been issued to accompany a mortgage arrangement and are no long required as holders move house or change circumstance.
Endowment holders may sell a policy into the market rather than to just surrender the policy back to the original issuing life assurance company or endowment provider. Traded endowment policy brokers act buy and offering improved margin and then sell on to buyers who wish to take on a mid-term policy as an investment option.
With margins improving, those wishing to sell in to the market rather than just surrender the policy back to the life company look as they they will, again be able to achieve higher returns. Check ukcitymedia.co.uk homepage for a link to "Traded Endowments" in order to get further information.
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