The majority of endowment policies are sold to members of Association of Policy Market Makers, regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). It is also possible to sell an endowment to market makers who work through Independent Financial Advisors. The following list is not a recommendation for any particular service and is by no means exhaustive. If you have an endowment to sell it may be possible to get higher offers from market makers not listed below. For endowment policy valuation, many of these services will value your endowment prior to selling a policy.
Members of Association of Policy Market Makers
Absolute Assigned Policies Ltd
PolicyPlus International Plc
1st Policy Company Limited
Neville James Ltd
Foster & Cranfield (Auctioneers)
Surrenda-Link Ltd
Independent endowment policy traders
Endowment Surrender Plus
Selling an endowment policy and getting a valuation: Where do I sell my endowment and how do I get my policy valued? The majority of endowment policies are sold to
Selling endowment policy? Cashing endowment Sell endowment ...
Thinking of surrendering your endowment policy? Why not sell your endowment instead? service at its best. no obligation endowment policy valuation,
Top 10 Selling Endowments UK - Best Policy Prices
Royal London now manage Cooperative Insurance Services endowment policy early? Selling your your endowment; significant valuation fees
Selling Endowments - Endowment Compensation
Thinking about selling an endowment policy Try our Online Policy Valuation services. Click Here for a Free Online policy valuation. Online Policy
Traded endowments, selling endowment online, life policy ...
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Endowments | This is Money
Payouts on endowment policies have crashed by 75% since the late after the Financial Ombusdman service has rejected a mis-selling this endowment policy?
What should I do with my endowment policy? | Money | The ...
Q I have an endowment policy with private market makers were formed to buy and sell endowment policies by the Financial Services
APMM - To Sell an Endowment - FAQ
A Traded Endowment Policy (TEP) What is the procedure following an agreement to sell a policy to a Member? A contract note is issued,
Guide to mis-selling of endowments | This is Money
Are you a victim of endowment mis-selling? The Financial Services Authority has a free guide on how to Buying and selling opportunities; Household insurance
Sell or Surrender Aviva endowment policy
Click Here to sell your Aviva endowment policy . To sell an Aviva endowment and bought by the second hand endowment buyers by the Financial Services