Based out of San Diego California, the San Diego Naval Shipyard (Naval Base San Diego) sits on 977 acres of land and is home to almost 100 private and Naval vessels. Although the base/shipyard no longer uses asbestos in its products, similar to many shipyards in the past, it once had a long history of using the toxic mineral. In turn, thousands of workers were placed at risk for developing dangerous illnesses such as malignant mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer.
If you or a loved one have an asbestos-related disease, you may be eligible for a large amount of compensation. Currently, there is over $30 billion in asbestos trust funds, set up for those who have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness. Fill out our contact form today to get free brochures from the top mesothelioma attorneys in your area. Weve been helping families connect to the most experienced mesothelioma lawyers for more than 20 years.
San Diego Naval Shipyard History
The San Diego Naval Shipyards was created in 1910 by Glenn H. Curtiss, a then-rival of the famous Wright Brothers. It started out as the Pacific Marine Construction, a company that built concrete ships. After World War I, however, the company began to lose a lot of money and in turn, sold the land to the city of San Diego.
Meanwhile, the United States Navy was looking for land to use for ship repairs. In 1921, after an approved $750,000 appropriations bill from Congress, the land was given to the Navy. Shortly after, the land became known as the U.S. Destroyer Base, San Diego, and began to grow quickly as a vessel repair facility.
By 1943, the San Diego Naval Shipyard was re-designated as a U.S. repair based. It began overhauling, repairing, commissioning, and maintaining thousands of vessels, which included destroyers, submarines, cruisers, and more. The shipyard also added a fleet training program, and 155 floating dry docks, which were deployed to various bases.
After World War II ended, the shipyard continued to supply repair and dry-docking services to active fleet vessels. However, by the 1990s, the shipyard was re-aligned as the Naval Station San Diego, and it became the home port to the Long Island Naval Shipyard. It also became the hub for all Naval operation in the region and took on responsibility for the Naval Medical Center San Diego.
Currently, the Naval Aviation Depot section of the Naval Base San Diego is the largest employer in the the aerospace industry in the area. It also support nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.
Asbestos at San Diego Naval Shipyard
As mentioned earlier, San Diego Naval Shipyard once used an excessive amount of asbestos-containing products on its vessels and in its facilities. In fact, even in 2006, tons of asbestos was found throughout numerous areas of the shipyard, including the salvage yard, which still had debris from demolition and repair projects.
In addition to the salvage yard, a storage area used up until 1950s still had large traces of asbestos in 2010, as well as an area in the shipyard used to create corrosives, metal finishings, and solvents.
A year earlier, in September 2009, a report indicated that asbestos, as well as numerous other types of toxic materials were found throughout the shipyard. A number of the sites and areas in the shipyard were cleaned up and/or put under regulation programs that helped with cleanup efforts. Some of these sites are still under the cleanup process today.
People who worked at San Diego Naval Shipyard prior to the Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) strict regulations on asbestos use in 1979 are at a heightened risk of developing an asbestos-related illness. The dangerous mineral was used all over vessels, on pipe coverings, cables, wall insulation, cement, pumps, turbines, gaskets, and more.
Family members of those who worked at the shipyard are also at risk. Employees and contractors were not given the proper protective gear to help protect themselves against asbestos fibers and other toxins. Consequently, many workers would return home in work clothes filled with asbestos fibers, which in turn would transfer into the family home.
Additional Help and Resources
Remember, if youve been diagnosed with an asbestos illness, you may qualify for significant compensation. Dont forget to fill out our contact form today to get free brochures from the top mesothelioma lawyers in your area. If you need additional assistance, contact us toll-free at 800-694-4856.
Based out of San Diego California, the San Diego Naval Shipyard (Naval Base San Diego) sits on 977 acres of land and is home to almost 100 private and Naval vessels.
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