About Mesothelioma in San Diego
Following the establishing of indisputible evidence regarding the connection between cancer and the inhaling of asbestos dust and fibers, the federal government adopted laws and regulations to control permissible exposure limits. OSHA and EPA standards regulate the safe handling of asbestos. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer developing in the protective coating (mesothelium) that covers most of the body's internal organs, usually caused by exposure to asbestos. The most common location for the cancer is in the lungs, but may appear in the lining of the abdominal cavity or in the sac surrounding the heart.
Asbestos is dangerous enough to cause cancer to someone washing clothing articles with asbetos on them and breathing in the asbestos particles. It would be clearly negligent behavior for an individual to handle asbestos without understanding and following the published precautions when dealing with any type of asbestos. If you were injured or became ill from exposure to asbestos or have mesothelioma, contact a San Diego personal injury lawyer immediately for legal advice regarding legal actions that may be availble to you for monetary compensation and punitive damage awards for your injuries. Our attorneys at the Pacific Attorney Group have experience in mesothelioma cases.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
There are many symptoms connected with mesthelioma including some of the following. They may include but are not limited to coughing and chest pain, shortness of breath, diffulty swallowing, swelling of the neck or face, abdominal swelling and pain, weight loss, abnormal blood clotting, anemia, or fever. Mesolthelioma may be contained in one location of the body or invade large areas and eventually cause death.
If you have a confirmed case of mesothelioma, you may have grounds for a lawsuit to recover loss of wages and future income earning capacity, costs of medical coverage, and pain and suffering. In the case of a death from mesothelioma, a wrongful death lawsuit may help provide benefits for the surviving family members. Before you settle with an insurance company and sign away your rights to sue for damages, contact us for a consultation and review of your injury claim. Our Pacific Attorney Group lawyers are familiar with mesothelioma cases.
Contact a San Diego mesolthelioma attorney if you received injuries from asbestos exposure.
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