Pay once and for all by consolidating your private student loans with a Student Choice private consolidation loan from your credit union. Featuring a low, variable interest rate, zero origination fees, and 15-year1 repayment period, a consolidation loan from your credit union can help you combine multiple private student loans into one convenient payment, potentially saving you thousands of dollars in interest!
Simplify your finances. Amplify your funds!
With a Student Choice private consolidation loan you will eliminate the hassle of multiple private student loan payments and likely reduce your interest rate, saving thousands over the life of the loan. You can:
- Consolidate up to $100,000 in private student loans3
- Choose a graduated repayment option to enjoy lower initial monthly payments
- Receive a 0.25% rate discount for automatic electronic payment
Find a credit union and apply for a Student Choice private loan consolidation loan.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to common questions.
- For a $20,000 consolidation loan for a term of 180 months with a 6.00% APR2, the monthly payment will be approximately $169. All loans are subject to approval. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change without notice. Restrictions apply. Please visit the rates page for more information.
- APR = Annual Percentage Rate
- Maximum loan amount may vary by credit union. Loans subject to approval. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change without notice.
- If your loan is subject to a floor rate (also known as a minimum interest rate) as specified in your promissory note, your rate will never be less than the floor rate.
their private student loans with a Student Choice private consolidation loan from the credit union. hassle of multiple private student loan
Private Consolidation | Credit Union Student Choice ...
With a Student Choice private consolidation loan you will eliminate the hassle of multiple Find a credit union and apply for a Student Choice private loan
Loan Consolidation - Credit Union Student Choice
Pay once and for all by consolidating your private student loans with a Student Choice private consolidation loan from your credit union. Featuring a low, variable
Why student choice - Loan Consolidation | Erie Community ...
With a Student Choice private consolidation loan you'll eliminate the hassle of multiple private student loan payments and Eligible for credit union
Why student choice - Loan Consolidation | BCU
Loan Consolidation. Why Student Choice? With a Student Choice private consolidation loan you'll (you may apply without being a member of the credit union,
Loan Details - Consolidation - Loan Consolidation ...
A limited number of our partner credit unions also offer Private Consolidation solutions. Please verify that you have selected one of these programs and that you are
Student Choice Consolidation Loan | Widget Financial ...
Widget Financial, in partnership with Credit Union Student Choice, the leading provider of private student lending services to Americaâs credit unions, now offers
Loan Consolidation | Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union
your private student loans with a Student Choice private consolidation loan from your credit union. about the Student Choice private loan consolidation loan.
Home Page | Workers Credit Union
Loan Consolidation. Why Student Choice? Manage Your Student Choice Account; Student Loan Repayment Strategies; Refinance with your credit union and save!
Loan Consolidation - Private Lending Solutions | Three ...
your private student loans with a Student Choice private consolidation loan from your credit union. about the Student Choice private loan consolidation loan.