Mesothelioma Lawyers California Mesothelioma Attorneys

Map of asbestos exposure locations in California Clapper, Patti Schweizer & Mason is a California mesothelioma law firm with over 30 years of success. Our lawyers have recovered millions of dollars in settlement compensation for mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) patients and their families who have lived and worked in the State of California.

We have represented workers who were exposed to asbestos in shipyards, refineries, naval facilities, construction sites and industrial operations throughout California. Unfortunately, the same industry, shipbuilding and military presence that has been an economic boon to Californians over the years has also resulted in many of our citizens being exposed to asbestos and developing mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases.

These diseases could have and should have been prevented. The knowledge that was needed to prevent asbestos diseases from occurring existed as far back as the 1930's. California law allows people who develop asbestos diseases, even from exposure in the remote past, to sue and receive compensation from the responsible companies.

The law in California allows us to obtain early trial dates for people with mesothelioma, so that our attorneys can often completely resolve a case within six months or less. California law imposes liability on the companies that sold defective products for the injuries caused by their products. California juries, particularly in Los Angeles, Alameda and San Francisco Counties, have repeatedly awarded large verdicts for mesothelioma victims and their families. This record of large jury verdicts provides motivation for asbestos companies to settle cases before trial.

Mesothelioma is a very serious form of cancer related to asbestos exposure, and families who have been touched by mesothelioma have many challenges ahead. Whatever treatment options a mesothelioma patient chooses, treatment is expensive. A mesothelioma diagnosis can often mean financial hardship without some kind of legal assistance.

Our experienced mesothelioma lawyers can help provide fast compensation to California families impacted by mesothelioma. The financial resources we make available allow our clients to focus on fighting mesothelioma, beating the odds, and enjoying time with loved ones.

We have represented people who have worked at virtually every major shipyard, refinery and industrial plant in the state. The full list is too long to mention here, but our clients have worked at:

Government shipyards in California with possible asbestos exposure:

  • Hunters Point Naval Shipyard
  • Long Beach Naval Shipyard
  • Mare Island Naval Shipyard
  • Alameda Naval Air Station
  • 32nd Street Naval Base (San Diego)
  • North Island Naval Air Station (San Diego)

Privately owned shipyards in California with possible asbestos exposure:

  • Kaiser Shipyards 1-3 (Richmond)
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard (San Francisco)
  • Marin Shipbuilding Corporation (Sausalito)
  • Triple A Shipyard (Alameda)
  • Triple A Shipyard (San Diego)
  • Pacific Ship Repair (San Diego)
  • Campbell Industries Shipyard (San Diego)
  • San Diego Marine Shipyard
  • California Shipbuilding (Wilmington)
  • Western Pipe and Steel (San Francisco)
  • Western Pipe and Steel (San Pedro)
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard (Terminal Island)
  • Todd Shipyard (San Pedro)
  • Todd Shipyard (Alameda)
  • Moore Drydock (Alameda)
  • National Steel Shipyard (San Diego)

Refineries in California:

  • Exxon Refinery (Benicia)
  • Standard Oil Refineries (Richmond, San Pedro)
  • Tosco Refining (Avon)
  • Union Oil Refineries (Carson, El Segundo, Rodeo, San Pedro)
  • Shell Oil Refineries (Dominguez, Martinez)

Other facilities have included numerous power plants, high-rise buildings, industrial facilities, factories, automotive garages and municipal sewer and water services. We have a vast library of information about these and many other California sites, that includes information about the types and brands of asbestos products used at each location.

Every mesothelioma patients exposure to asbestos is different. Some, such as insulators, shipyard workers or pipe fitters, had jobs that obviously involved working with asbestos. Others were exposed during the course of home remodeling and during the use of consumer productscompletely outside their occupation.

Many mesothelioma victims we have represented have not known how or when they were exposed to asbestos until our lawyers completed an extensive asbestos exposure investigation. By getting to know each client as an individual, and by learning each clients personal story of asbestos exposure, we can show which asbestos companies were responsible for causing the mesothelioma.

Victims of mesothelioma that live in California or another state:

Our attorneys who are experts in mesothelioma cancer lawsuits, will provide a free mesothelioma case evaluation and will fly to your location to meet with you in person. If you are a family member of someone who has been affected by asbestos cancer in California or any state in the U.S. contact us. There is no up front cost to you for our services. We are here to help.  We have over twenty five years of experience providing mesothelioma legal representation to clients in California as well as across the United States.

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