Mesothelioma Lawyer Asbestos Attorney in California

Dangerous Products: Mesothelioma/Asbestos

Mesothelioma is a very rare form of cancer that usually develops due to prolonged exposure of contact with the harmful chemical known as asbestos. Mesothelioma occurs in the protective lining of many of the internal organs in the body and mutates into hazardous cancerous tissue that can be life threatening, if not fatal. Prior to the ban of the use of asbestos in buildings, many businesses, houses, apartment complexes and plenty of other types of both commercial and residential buildings were built with asbestos in the walls and ceilings. At one time, the reasons to avoid the use of asbestos in buildings were not known, but as the environmental exposure to asbestos made many people sick, many different tests were done and the state of California banned the use of asbestos in buildings.

Most people that develop Mesothelioma have worked at a job in which they inhaled fibers of asbestos. In addition to the individuals that inhaled the asbestos, family members that came in close contact with them on a daily basis or washed their clothes were also at risk for Mesothelioma.


There are many different early warning signs for the development of Mesothelioma. The first warning sign is a shortness of breath that is caused by a build-up of fluid between the lungs and the chest wall. Other early symptoms of Mesothelioma include chest wall pain and unexplained weight loss. If you suspect that you may be developing Mesothelioma due to a prolonged exposure to asbestos, it is important to receive a chest x-ray as quickly as possible.

If your Mesothelioma was caused by a contractor that chose to use asbestos when building even after the use of asbestos was banned, you may be able to receive full compensation for your medical bills, loss of wages and related costs to the prolonged asbestos exposure. In order to receive the full compensation that you deserve, it is important to act quickly when you suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos. The experienced staff at The May Firm are here during normal business hours to answer any potential questions you may have about opening a lawsuit. There is no need for you to struggle through the court system alone, so call us today and receive a consultation to see if your case could win you the compensation for your medical expenses that you so rightly deserve!

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