Avoid predatory lenders. Getting a loan and buying a home is an intimidating, complicated process - more so if you have bad credit! Unfortunately, some lenders try to take advantage of this. Don't be a victim of mortgage fraud. Never sign any contract that you don't understand. Never sign a contract because your lender is pressuring you to do so. Never let someone convince you to lie on a loan application. Legitimate lenders will be happy to help you understand the terms of your loan completely - after all, it's in their interest for you not to default. Predatory lenders will rush you into an exorbitant loan because they want to get as much money out of you as possible - whether you default or not. The HUD recommends to look for these common-sense warning signs:[10]
- Lenders that tell you they are your "only chance" to get a loan. Good lenders will let you shop around, even if you have bad credit.
- Lenders that ask you to sign a contract that has blank spaces (or untrue information.) If this information is filled in later, you may still be bound to the contract.
- Lenders that tell you that the FHA protects you against property defects or loan fraud. In fact, it does not.
- Lenders that use "high-pressure" sales tactics to push home improvements, etc.
- Lenders that are eager to loan to you because of financial hardships brought on by medical, unemployment, or debt-related problems.
- Homes that cost much more than nearby homes, even though they're not bigger or nicer.
How to Buy Your First Home With Bad Credit. Purchasing a home is usually considered a good investment. According to real estate experts, the housing market is
5 key steps to buying your first home, tax credit or no ...
5 key steps to buying your first home, tax credit or about what to expect when buying a home. "A bad credit score may not just affect your
Can you buy your first home with bad credit? - HowStuffWorks
Check out this article and learn if you can buy your first home with bad credit. Could bad credit ruin your dreams of home then there are steps to take on
A Guide to Buying Your First Home - Trulia
The process of buying a first home can be A Guide to Buying Your First Home. that you receive credit for all the ways you think your house is
11 Steps to Buying a Home - About.com Home
Real Estate Glossary Top Tips for First Time Home Buyers Home Buying You're Only 11 Steps Away From Buying a Home A If you haven't looked at your credit
Home Buying Steps For First Time Home Buyers - Firsthomebuyers
Is this your first time buying a home? First Time Home Buyer Steps. You must check your credit scores because a few point difference in scores may cost you
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Basic Guide to Buying Your First Home; You should definitely get rid of all of your credit card debt first. foundation problems and a bad roof.
Roadmap to Buying Your First Home | The Art of Manliness
Learn how to buy your first home, you with the big picture of what to expect when buying your first home. have any errors on your credit
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to finding an agent to help you with buying a home, cleaning up credit, started buying your first home! 11 Steps Away From Buying a Home - Home Buying;
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