Consolidating your loans means you are taking your individual student loans and combining them into one single loan. The individual balances with each loan holder are paid by your consolidation lender. Consolidating your loans may reduce the overall monthly payments and the overall total amount repaid with interest.
The interest rate of a consolidation loan is usually a weighted average based on the individual loans used in the consolidation.
Student Financial Services cannot tell you if a consolidation loan is right for you, however we can give you information to help you make the best decision for yourself. It is important you fully understand the terms and conditions of your consolidation loan because once your loans are consolidated, it cannot be undone.
You can visit for a calculator that can help you decide if a consolidation would be a benefit to you. You are not required to consolidate your loans through Direct Loans and are free to consolidate with any lender of your choice. Be aware that any current borrower benefits you currently have with your lender may be lost after the consolidation.
To view your student loan history, review the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). NSLDS will provide you with your balances and lender contact information.
Learn about the eligibility criteria for the federal student aid student loans eligible for consolidation is of a loan. Budget. A financial plan
Consolidating Loans - Student Financial Services
Consolidating Student Loans. have with your lender may be lost after the consolidation. To view your student loan Student Financial Services
FinAid | Loans | Student Loan Consolidation
Interest Rates. The interest rate on a consolidation loan is the weighted average of the interest rates on the loans being consolidated, rounded up to the nearest 1/8
Consolidating Loans | MIT Student Financial Services
Consolidating Loans Refinancing loans through consolidation establishes a new loan with new terms and conditions for the combined balance of your original loans.
Direct Consolidation Loan - Borrower Services
IMPORTANT NOTE: The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has implemented a new Direct Consolidation Loan application process. This may affect customers
Find Information about Student Aid Consolidation Loan Application (paper) My Financial Aid you need to prepare to repay your federal student loan(s).
Student Loan Consolidation-Consolidate Private Student ...
Consolidate multiple private student loans or refinance a single Accounts and Services. Repayment begins immediately upon private student loan consolidation.
Direct Consolidation Loans - Welcome!!!
The Direct Consolidation Loans Borrowers can apply online for consolidation of their federally insured student loan provides for a loan consolidation
Federal student loan consolidation - Wikipedia, the free ...
Federal student loan consolidation Student loans in the U.S. Regulatory framework Northwestern University Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid. 2006.
Student Loan Consolidation - Student Loans - Financial Aid ...
Home > Financial Aid > Student Loans > Student Loan Consolidation Student Loan Consolidation. A