When you or a member of your family is diagnosed with an asbestosrelated injury such as mesothelioma, it may be the first time you have ever considered hiring an attorney. Choosing an experienced mesothelioma and asbestos lawyer can provide priceless peace of mind during upcoming trying times when you are faced with medical treatments, bills, disability and other losses.
Asbestos lawyers vary widely in their approach. Many mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers will offer an initial consultation after which they will be able to evaluate the strength of a case. While this prescreening can often be done over the phone, personal consultation is an important and useful tool to get to know the lawyer, the firm and the firm's resources and how they will handle your mesothelioma or other asbestos-related disease case.
Key Points to Choosing a Mesothelioma and Asbestos Attorney
- It is important to make sure that your prospective asbestos or mesothelioma attorney will actually file your case and not simply send it off to some other attorney. At Brayton Purcell LLP, we will keep your case, work up your case, and settle your case or bring it to trial. We are NOT a referral firm like the "Mesothelioma" ad firms you see on TV.
- An initial consultation with your prospective asbestos or mesothelioma attorney should be informativeask frank questions. (See Question 1)
- Contacting an asbestos attorney as soon as you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease such as mesothelioma, or know you have been exposed to asbestos, is important and helps in preserving your legal options. (See Question 2)
- Make sure your prospective asbestos attorney has experience in taking an asbestos or mesothelioma case to trial. (See Question 3 and Question 4)
- Your prospective mesothelioma or asbestos attorney should have the information and resources to help prove your asbestos case. (See Question 5)
What questions should I ask when choosing a mesothelioma or asbestos lawyer?
The initial asbestos lawyerclient consultation should be informative. As a client, you have a right to ask frank questions such as:
- How many asbestos and mesothelioma verdicts has the firm itself won?
- How often do the firm's attorneys take asbestos lawsuits to trial?
- How willing is the firm to fight for me and my mesothelioma or asbestos case?
- How many of the firm's asbestos lawyers are experienced trial attorneys?
- How many resources does the firm have onsite (physically and in computerized databases) to help me prove my mesothelioma or asbestos case with its unique particulars (worksite exposures, asbestos product identification, scientific and medical depositions, etc.)?
- How many support staff, including trial paralegals, dedicated to mesothelioma and asbestos litigation are employed by the firm?
- How long will it take to prepare and file my mesothelioma or asbestos case?
- Will settlement be expected of some mesothelioma and asbestos claims? How soon will these occur?
- How long will it take for my mesothelioma or asbestos case to be brought to trial?
- What other support services can the firm provide, such as estate planning, will or living trust preparation and probate?
Most of the largest manufacturers and distributors of asbestos products knew of the health risks caused by asbestos as early as the 1920s. Instead of working to solve these problems, educating the public about the dangers of asbestos, and finding other reasonable substitutes, asbestos industry enterprises actually concealed evidence that asbestos products were harmful. Because of corporate concealment, many people remain unaware of the health hazards that asbestosrelated products still pose.
While the original mesothelioma and asbestos cases brought to trial in the 1970s involved insulation workers and miners, for several decades to the present the cases involve all types of workers and tehir family members. Currently asbestos continues to affect the health of shipyard workers, refinery and industrial workers, drywall workers, mechanics, construction workers, automotive mechanics, teachers who work in asbestos-contaminated schools, family members of asbestos workers and other diverse groups, and trials include all of those groups and many more.
An experienced mesothelioma and asbestos lawyer is able to examine a client's work and life history, and that of their family members, and determine the best course of action. The asbestos lawyer can use company documents and evidence amassed over decades of cases to best prove a person's mesothelioma or other asbestos-related disease case. Given the asbestos industry's history of concealment and fraud, you should not be reluctant to step forward to assert your legal rights if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestos lung cancer, asbestosis or other asbestos-related disease.
When should I contact a mesothelioma or asbestos lawyer regarding my exposure to asbestos?
This question is a particularly important consideration in cases involving toxic substances such as asbestos. Unlike a car wreck, for example, where injuries can often be immediately seen, the symptoms of asbestosrelated diseases may take decades to develop. Asbestosrelated injuries are often extremely difficult to detect in their early stages, since breathing asbestos dust causes the injury long before an exposed individual is able to perceive any symptoms. Asbestos cancers like mesothelioma may take 570 years to develop.
Asbestos fibers are microscopic and not visible except when present in large concentrations, so dangerous levels of asbestos dust may not be readily recognizable to the person working with or around asbestos, the housewife who regularly washed the clothing of a loved one who worked with asbestos, or a construction worker who worked near asbestos insulation workers but did not directly use the insulation. Due to the microscopic nature of asbestos fibers and their invasive nature, harmful exposures may occur without the person even knowing he or she was exposed to asbestos.
For both legal and medical reasons, as soon as you become aware that you were exposed to asbestoscontaining products and may be at risk of developing a disease or injury, you should consult an experienced mesothelioma and asbestos lawyer to determine what your legal rights are, when and how they should best be protected.
Do lawyers specialize in asbestos trials?
Legal specialization provides a way for a client to have the best representation for their particular case and issues. Although "mesothelioma litigation" and "asbestos litigation" are not certified specialties, they are areas of law practice that require expertise and experience. Any mesothelioma and asbestos attorney you select to represent you should not only have a proven track record in mesothelioma and asbestos litigation, settlement, and most importantly trials, but should have a substantial commitment to asbestos and mesothelioma cases as an integral part of its practice.
While we always try to settle our cases for an appropriate amount without the risk and expense of trial, our asbestos and mesothelioma attorneys at Brayton Purcell LLP strongly believe that the best asbestos trial lawyers achieve the best results to most victims of mesothelioma, asbestos lung cancer, asbestosis and other asbestosrelated disease. This is true because defendants and their attorneys respect and regularly evaluate the trial skills of the asbestos claimant's lawyer in deciding how to respond to a case heading for trial. Trial is where a jury makes the decision. The more capable and accomplished your mesothelioma and asbestos lawyer is in trying cases, the better off you are in pursuing your case.
The defendant's knowledge that they are dealing with an experienced mesothelioma and asbestos trial attorney who will be able to efficiently bring a case to trial and obtain a verdict invariably assists in settlement negotiations and adds value to your mesothelioma or asbestos case.
Asbestos victims and their families will benefit from choosing a seasoned mesothelioma and asbestos litigation trial law firm. Lawsuits involving mesothelioma and asbestos require experience with jury trials, construction and building practices and cuttingedge medical science. While there is no "certified" mesothelioma and asbestos litigation specialization, a lawyer with experience in winning mesothelioma and asbestos verdicts is an excellent choice for a person injured by asbestos products.
What is our attorneys' record as mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers?
Our mesothelioma and asbestos trial attorneys have achieved some of the largest verdicts ever handed down in California in an asbestos caseover $70 million to a retired U.S. Navy machinist mate suffering from mesothelioma, over $33 million to an California electrician suffering from the asbestos cancer mesothelioma, over $41 million to a retired California plumber also suffering from mesothelioma. We have also obtained the largest asbestos awards in Oregon for asbestosis and Washington for mesothelioma. In Utah, we obtained the only asbestos verdict - a $5.2 million verdict for a woman suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma, and we achieved the highest personal injury verdict ever in Utah in a truck accident case.
Although we cannot guarantee the outcome of any mesothelioma or asbestos trial, our attorneys vigorously fight for the rights of our clients. See Our Court Record for a detailed list of our mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis and other verdicts. Please contact Brayton Purcell LLP today if you would like to know what our experienced mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers can do to help you and your loved ones.
What resources should a mesothelioma or asbestos attorney be able to apply to my asbestos case?
Our asbestos attorneys and our legal staff have created an extensive computer database of information on asbestos products and the companies who manufactured them from around the country and the world. This massive collection is in excess of thirty-four thousand lineal feet, over 100,000 volumes of depositions and transcripts and more than six million pages of data on asbestos worksite conditions, asbestos product identification and other information necessary to maximize the value of a mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, asbestosis or other asbestos-related disease case.
We are able to crossreference the specifics of a client's mesothelioma or asbestos case with this invaluable evidence previously identified in thousands of cases. This unique ability ensures that your mesothelioma or asbestos case will build upon the strongest evidence available today to obtain the best result for you possible.
How can I contact the asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers at Brayton Purcell LLP?
We would be pleased if you would consider our mesothelioma and asbestos attorneys when making your decision to hire an asbestos law firm to handle your mesothelioma or other asbestos disease lawsuit. Please don't be fooled into hiring a so called "mesothelioma firm" from a television commercial. Most of those firms in the commercials are not actually frim with attorneys that litigate and bring to trial asbestos and mesothelioma cases. You may contact us via this web site or through our main offices in California, Oregon (Washington/Oregon region) and Utah. We handle mesothelioma and asbestos cases in California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Oklahoma, and throughout the nation, associating with high quality local counsel when necessary.
An experienced asbestos lawyer will know how to hold Tim Povtak talks about why choosing a mesothelioma attorney is A mesothelioma lawyer can help
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How to Choose An Asbestos Attorney
1 How to Choose an Asbestos Attorney: What You Need to Know By Steven Kazan If you are suffering from malignant mesothelioma or another type of asbestos-related