Burnham Institute for Medical Research
Primary location:
10901 N. Torrey Pines Rd.
La Jolla, California 92037
Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California Irvine
Primary location:
101 The City Drive South
Orange, California 92868
Phone: (714) 456-7890
City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
Primary location:
1500 East Duarte Road
Duarte, California 91010
Phone: (626) 256-HOPE (4673)
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Primary location:
10833 Le Conte Ave.
Los Angeles, California 900957313
Phone: (310) 794-7333
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center UCLA Health System
Primary location:
8-684 Factor Building
Box 951781
Los Angeles, California 90095-1781
Phone: (310) 825-5268
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Primary location:
University of California San Francisco
1600 Divisadero St., B-101
San Francisco, California 941430128
Phone: (800) 888-8664
Rebecca and John Moores University of California San Diego Cancer Center
Primary location:
3855 Health Sciences Drive
La Jolla, California
Phone: (800) 926-8273
Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute
Primary location:
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
8700 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90048
Phone (800) 233-2771
Stanford Cancer Center
Primary location:
Stanford Cancer Center
875 Blake Wilbur Drive
Stanford, California 94305
Phone: (650) 498-6000
Sutter Health Network
Primary location:
2200 River Plaza Drive (Main Office)
Sacramento, California 95833
Phone: (916) 733-8800
Tower Hematology Oncology Medical Group
Primary location:
9090 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 200
Beverly Hills, California 90211
Phone: (310) 888-8680
University of California Davis Cancer Center
Primary location:
UC Davis Cancer Center
4501 X Street
Sacramento, California 95817
Phone: (916) 734-5959
University of Southern California/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
Primary location:
1441 Eastlake Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90033
Phone: (323) 865-3000
Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Comprehensive Community Cancer Center
Primary location:
Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital
155 Glasson Way
Grass Valley, California 95945
Phone: (530) 274-6000
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
Primary location:
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
757 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, California 90095
Phone: (310) 825-9111
University of California San Francisco Medical Center
Primary location:
UCSF Medical Center at Parnassus
505 Parnassus Ave.
San Francisco, California 94122
(415) 476-1000
Cancer Resource Center: (415) 885-3693
AAA Shipyard
Alameda Naval Air Station
Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
Todd Shipyard
C.F. Braun Building
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Plant
Fibreboard Paper Mill
Crown Zellerbach Paper Mill
Dupont Chemical Plant
Kaiser Gypsum Plant
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Pittsburg Steam Plant
Phillips Petroleum Company
Tidewater Oil Refinery
Standard Oil Refinery
Kern Power House
Norris Thermador Plant
Exxon Oil Refinery
Bay Area Rapid Transit Power
Sherwin Williams
Edwards Air Force Base
US Borax
Brea Chemical Plant
Lockheed Martin Aircraft Terminal
Lockheed Martin Aircraft Service
Lockheed Martin Aeronautical
Camp Pendleton
Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base
U.S. Marine Base Field Medical School
Carlsbad Power Plant
ARCO Refinery
Hancock Oil Refinery
Container Corporation of America Paper Mill
Atlantic Richfield Oil Refinery
Shell Oil Refinery
Stauffer Chemical
Union Oil Pipeline
El Segundo
Standard Oil Refinery
Department of Water & Power Plant (DWP)
Pabco Manufacturing Plant
Shell Research and Development Building
Etiwanda Steam Plant
Georgia Pacific Pulp
Turco Chemical Plant
Kaiser Steel Mil
Beckman Industries Plant
Kimberly-Clark Paper Mill
Hercules Powder Plant
Valley Electric Steam Plant·
Huntington Beach
Southern California Edison Power Plant
Huntington Beach Powerhouse
Southern California Light
King City
Union Carbide Mine
Naval Air Station (NAS)
Lawrence Atomic Radiation Laboratory
Nuclear Research lab
Vandenberg Air Force Base
Long Beach
Douglas Oil Refinery
Long Beach Naval Station
Long Beach Naval Shipyard
Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
California Shipbuilding Company
Todd Shipyard
Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO) Refinery
Proctor & Gamble Plant
U.S.S. Cavalier
Richfield Oil Refinery
U.S. Naval Shipyard·
Los Angeles
Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) Refinery
ARCO Twin Towers
Dixon Chemical
Dow Chemical
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Plant
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Firestone Tire Store
Ford Assembly Plant
Gypsum Company
Western Pipe & Steel Company
U.S. Rubber Tire & Synthetic Rubber Plant
Union Pacific Switchyard
Western Pipe & Steel Plant
Lucerne Valley
Kaiser Cement Gypsum
Shell Oil Refinery
Phillips 66
Standard Oil
Tosco Avon Refinery
Ford Motor Plant
Ford Paint Plant
Morro Bay
Morro Bay Powerhouse
Pacific Power & Light
Moss Landing
Moss Landing Powerhouse
Ashland Chemical
Moore Drydock
Moore Shipyard
General Electric Plant
Hunt Canned Foods Plant
Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical
Oakland Naval Shipyard
Southern Pacific Railroad
Ralph M. Parsons Plant
Columbia Steel
Pacific Gas & Electric Power Plant
U.S. Steel
Dow Chemical Plant
Red Bluff
Diamond National Paper Mill
Redondo Beach
South California Powerhouse
Redondo Beach Steam Plant
Standard Oil Refinery
Chevron Refinery
Willamette Shipyard
Shell Oil Refinery
Richmond Kaiser Shipyards (#1- #4)
Amex Aluminum Plant
Conoco Philips aka San Francisco Refinery (formerly owned by UNOCAL & TOSCO)
McClelland Air Force Base
Aerojet General Aerospace Plant
Proctor & Gamble Chemical Plant
Georgia Pacific Paper Mill
San Bernardino
Norton Air Force Base
San Diego
San Diego Naval Shipyard
Naval Training Center (NTC)
San Diego Naval Base
Naval Air Station (NAS) North Island
Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar
Naval Station (NAVSTA) 32nd Street
Campbell Shipyard
Consolidated Aircraft
Conair Aircraft Plant
U.S. Marine Base
San Diego Marine Base
General Dynamics Corp.
Point Loma Naval Submarine Base
U.S. Navy Troop Transport Ship
Southwest Marine Shipyard
Industrial Command U.S. Naval Repair Base
Camp Kearney
National Steel Shipbuilding (NASSCO) aka General Dynamics
Consolidated Aircraft Corp
San Diego Gas & Electric Building
Naval Supply Center
Naval Housing
Port Nimitz Naval Base
San Diego Power Plant
San Diego Military Station
San Diego Radio School
Silver Gate Power Plant
Silver Gate Power Plant
Valley Electric
San Francisco
Hunters Point Naval Shipyard
San Francisco Naval Shipyard
Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
Treasure Island Naval
Hunter Point Power Plant
Moore Drydock Shipyard
U.S. Naval Base
Pacific Power & Light Company
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG & E) Substation
Western Pipe & Steel Shipyard
Candlestick Park Office Building
Western Pipe & Steel
Southern Pacific Railroad Office Buildings A and B
U.S. Steel Shipyard
San Pedro
Todd Shipyard
Bethlehem Shipyard
Union Oil Refinery
Western Pipe & Steel Shipyard
Union 76 Refinery
Santa Clara
Owens-Corning Plant· Santa Fe Springs
Golden West Refinery
Marine Shipyard
South Gate
U.S. Gypsum
Moffett Field Naval Air Station
Terminal Island
Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
Long Beach Naval Shipyard aka Terminal Island Naval Shipyard
Harbor Boat Building Company
California Shipbuilding Yard aka Calship
Long Beach Naval Shipyard Steam Plant
Mobil Oil Refinery
Shell Chemical Plant
Columbia Steel
Union Carbide Chemical Plant
American Potash & Chemical
Kerr McGee Chemical Plant
Southern Pacific Railroad
Mare Island Naval Shipyard
U.S. Naval Base
Treasure Island Shipyard
Stauffer Chemical Plant
Portland Cement Plant
Johns-Manville Plant
ARCO Refinery (Atlantic Richfield Co)
Consolidated Steel Shipyard
Texaco Refinery
Bethlehem Steel
Shell Refinery
Union Oil Refinery
ARCO Oil Company
UNOCAL Oil Refinery
Standard Oil
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