Our firm handles various cases including Driving While Intoxicated. A DWI in Texas is the equivalent of a DUI charge in many other states. Its a claim by the police that a person is driving while intoxicated. Whether that is above .08 of alcohol, or a combination of drugs and alcohol. Or just simply loss of mental and/or physical faculties. We handle both DUI cases and DWI court cases. We handle cases in many counties aside from Travis County as well.
An experienced Austin DWI Lawyer has to always be up on their skills of defending this complicated charge. The government spends millions to prosecute people by convincing the general public that their practices are accurate. When they fall short they prey on peoples emotions to fill in the rest. Motivations are many including revenue, fear, political pressure, community pressure and many more. Peoples rights begin to get overlook or violated when lack of objectivity drives policy.
There are many pitfalls one can encounter driving in Austin. A big trap is West 6th Street. Its a one way street out of downtown Austin that leads to MOPAC Freeway. The police sit nearby late at night and run radar. Many arrests take place in this area. West 6th is one of the few routes out of Downtown Austin going west. For the unsuspecting speeder this can be a problem.
Our firm strives to provide the best DWI Attorney defense and we realize it comes with a responsibility to be well studied on current DWI laws in Texas. Everyone should seek self improvement to better in what they do. An Attorney is no different. A simple missed detail can mean a permanent conviction affecting a persons career and life. Be very careful selecting your legal counsel. A conviction for Driving While Intoxicated in Texas never goes off your record. You need qualified counsel and we want to help you.
The police routinely overreact when they discover someone who has been drinking. This is extremely apparent the closer to 2 AM it gets. Austin police and other departments as well will follow a driver until there is a traffic violation. Eventually just about anyone will commit some sort of violation. Even police commit traffic violations. On January 1, 2015 a hands free ordinance goes into affect within the Austin city limits. There are entirely too many drivers texting while driving. But this law may give excuse for police to simply claim phone use in order to pull a person over. It is important to leave the phone alone while driving.
Not all attorneys study the Texas DWI law thoroughly. Details make a big difference between you having a permanent record or not. Most cities of any size have numerous attorneys. Austin has a tremendous number number lawyers for several reasons. The capitol is here, but the more likely reason is that many people want to live here including lawyers. This makes it a difficult choice picking your Austin DWI attorney with so many out there to choose from. After all, how do you know if the counsel you choose is skilled and experienced in the area of law that you need? Call Eric Torberson soon to find one of the Best DWI Attorneys in Austin.
We do our best for each client. Caring about a client is a huge step in the right direction of providing quality legal services. Our firm has a deeper caring purpose than just taking a case. We are here to help you get great results and have a better life!
A case can take many turns and someone not current on DWI Defense might miss important details of a case. This can increase the chance for a conviction unnecessarily. Eric practices other criminal defense but has studied immensely on DWI law in Texas and Nationally. This helps his clients throughout the case.
Our firm handles various cases including Driving While Intoxicated. A DWI in Texas is the equivalent of a DUI charge in many other states. Its a claim by the police
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