CE safety certification removed for Silimed implants
Just three years after the PIP breast implant scandal which saw thousands of people claiming worldwide, another major investigation in to implant safety has been launched. The Medicines and Healthc...
Published on the 25/09/2015
What makes the best compensation lawyers?
With so many firms out there to choose from, we have often asked ourselves this very question in our own efforts to be the best. As the original Injury Lawyers, we have worked hard for decades to mode...
Published on the 22/09/2015
Home carer claims - accident at services users house
We have helped many home carers over the years we have been fighting for the rights of work accident victims. An accident in a service user's house when you are a home carer means you may have the rig...
Published on the 22/09/2015
Broken leg compensation
A broken leg can be a nasty injury that can lead to a lot of suffering and problems. We help a lot of people with broken leg injury claims so we know all too well how bad it can be; what they have to ...
Published on the 22/09/2015
Lorry accidents on the motorway - advice from The Injury Lawyers
Motorway accidents are typically common given how busy they are, and an accident involving a lorry is also fairly common too. Unfortunately lorry accidents on motorways can be quite devastating and we...
Published on the 21/09/2015
The Injury Lawyers win over £5,000 award for victim of broken chair accident
You sit on a chair, and it breaks beneath you. It's an awful scenario and it can end up in some fairly serious injuries if you fall as a result of the broken chair. Our client in this case contacte...
Published on the 21/09/2015
Band Saw injury compensation claims
Injuries in the workplace that are caused by band saws are one of the more common types of work accident injury cases. Whilst the UK does boast a fairly robust health and safety record, firms are stil...
Published on the 21/09/2015
Hit by a crate at work - claim advice from The Injury Lawyers
If you have been injured at work because of a crate, you may be entitled to compensation. Whether you have been hit by a falling crate, or injured trying to move a crate, you are entitled to claim for...
Published on the 18/09/2015
Fragile roof, surfaces and materials injury work claims
Did you know that a quarter of all workplace deaths involving falls from heights are a result of fragile surfaces? It's a horrible statistic and we often represent workers who have been injured bec...
Published on the 18/09/2015
Dangerous park apparatus injuries - can you claim?
Parks - we all loved them as a child, I'm sure. I've so many fond memories of my time spent playing on the swings, slides, and frames; but their importance to children is also a duty to those who are ...
Published on the 18/09/2015
We STILL offer our clients 100% compensation for their claim unlike other firms. Get help and advice from The Injury Lawyers.
Injury Lawyers for Personal Compensation Claims
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