Student Loan Consolidation - Consolidated Credit Counseling

Student loan consolidation can save you a significant amount of money. The less interest you pay on your student loans, the faster you can get out of debt! Interest rates for student loan consolidation programs are at record lows, and it costs nothing to consolidate. Why wait?

American Student Loan Consolidation Corporation is the nations preeminent company specializing in Education Consolidation Loans. Working with the countrys largest guarantors and lenders, our staff and management are thoroughly trained to answer your questions regarding Student Loan Consolidation Loans and to ensure that you obtain the best plan for your needs.


  • Lower your monthly student loan payments so theyre more affordable for your budget
  • Historically lowest fixed student loan interest rate that will never increase
  • No fees or charges to consolidate
  • Fixed interest rates from approximately 2.875 to 4.25% for the life of the loan (if you have not previously consolidated any of your student loans)
  • No credit check or income verification
  • No prepayment penalty
  • Choice of payments: level or graduated
  • Deferments in case of financial hardship or unemployment
  • One convenient monthly payment
  • Increase home mortgage borrowing power by reducing debt to income ratio
  • Online Consolidation Loan calculator
  • A single company will service your loan for the life of the loan
  • Online and toll-free telephone application request
  • Online completion of student loan consolidation application
  • Personal assistance with our simple one page application

For more information or questions please feel free to contact our Financial Resources Group at 1-800-435-1945.

Student Loan Consolidation - Consolidated Credit Counseling
Student Consolidation Loans. Student loan consolidation can save you a significant amount of money. The less interest you pay on your student loans, the faster you

Consolidated Credit - Official Site
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Debt consolidation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Debt consolidation is a form of debt refinancing that include credit counseling and debt consolidation, student loan consolidation

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Consumer Credit Counseling Services can help make student loans manageable through counseling and consolidation. Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Buffalo, Inc.

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Glossary Terms Debt Consolidation Debt consolidation is a process by which several debts are replaced by one debt. The idea is to simplify repayment and hopefully

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