Defense for Driving Under the Influence Charges
After a person is charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or another type of mind altering substance is subject to face harsh criminal consequences, consequences through the MVD and personal consequences. If you or someone you know has been charged with drunk driving, do not wait another moment to contact a Phoenix DUI defense lawyer. The attorney that you choose to work with will ultimately affect the outcome of your case, which can end with exoneration, decreased penalties, dropped charges or a criminal conviction. Talk to Phoenix DUI attorney Joshua S. Davidson today for a free consultation of your case.
First DUI Offense
When a person is charged with their first DUI offense, they often are unaware of how serious these charges are and how serious the criminal consequences of DUI are. A prosecutor will not go easy on a defendant simply because this is their first offense; they will still push for maximum penalties.
Second DUI Offense
If you have been charged with your second drunk driving offense, you understand that these charges are serious . You already have one conviction on your record, and you know that having yet another DUI conviction can prove to be detrimental to your freedom, driving privileges and professional future.
Extreme DUI
In Arizona, drunk driving charges are classified into several categories. Extreme DUI is a charge given to individuals who have been pulled over with a BAC of .15% or higher within two hours of driving. This can be penalized with jail time, fines, license suspension and more.
Super Extreme DUI
Any person who has been pulled over and arrested with a blood alcohol level at or above .20% will be facing serious charges of Super Extreme DUI. This charge holds enhanced penalties and repercussions on a convicted individual, and it is best to retain the services of an attorney as soon as possible for defense.
Breath and Blood Testing
Many different methods are used to calculate a person's approximate blood alcohol level, including breath tests, breathalyzers and chemical tests. Chemical tests often involve blood tests or urine samples to more accurately determine alcohol levels or to find traces of drugs.
Field Sobriety Testing
What are field sobriety tests? Tests that are taken in the field by a police officer to gage an individual's sobriety are common practices to help aid an officer in a DUI arrest. These types of tests can include a one leg stand test, horizontal gaze nystagmus test and the walk and turn test.
DUI Accidents
If you have been arrested for causing an accident while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may be in serious trouble with the law. Not only could you possibly face felony DUI charges (for causing injury to another) but you may be left to pay for damages.
Aggravated DUI-Multiple Offenses
There are several ways in which a person can face felony, or aggravated DUI. First, a person can have subsequent DUI offenses on their record when they are being pulled over for another suspected DUI. Having two prior DUI convictions within seven years can cause your third DUI to be considered felonious.
Aggravated DUI-Suspended License
Driving a vehicle while your driving privileges are suspended or revoked is against the law; driving under the influence of alcohol without a valid driver's license or permit can result in enhanced consequences for a defendant in Phoenix.
Aggravated DUI-Underage Passenger
Having an underage passenger in your vehicle while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can lead to a life full of criminal consequences for an individual; not only are you putting the underage passenger in grave danger, but you risk your own life as well.
When a person is charged with DUI, they may also be charged with another offense as well. Endangerment is a criminal offense that many defendants face in addition to their DUI charges due to recklessly putting the lives of others in danger.
Leaving the Scene
If you have been accused of leaving the scene of an accident or have fled a DUI police stop, you may be at risk to face serious consequences. Leaving the scene of the accident often results as a miscommunication between parties or due to one party being in a rush; however, it is always important to retain the services of a lawyer.
The MVD, or Arizona Motor Vehicle Division, hearing will be one that is equally important to your criminal case. At the MVD hearing, an administrative hearing officer will determine whether you will be able to keep your driver's license or if it will be suspended.
Underage DUI
As with many states in the United States, Arizona has enacted a strict zero tolerance policy regarding underage drinking and driving. If your child has been charged with under 21 DUI, it is important that you talk to a lawyer as soon as possible.
Vehicular Manslaughter
Vehicular manslaughter is one of the most difficult and challenging charges a person can face, especially because it involves the killing of another human being. If you have been accused of taking the life of another person while driving under the influence, immediately talk to a DUI defense attorney.
DUI Defense Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ
Despite the extent of the DUI charges you are facing, it is always strongly suggested to retain the services of a DUI defense attorney. Many innocent individuals each year face criminal consequences, including jail, because they were unaware that they needed an attorney to defend their rights. Some cases involve defective or malfunctioning breath test machines that provide false reads; an attorney will be necessary to prove that this is true.
At the Law Offices of Joshua S. Davidson, the legal team has years of experience in the area of criminal defense and DUI law, and can use this to your advantage. Additionally, the founder of the firm is a former Maricopa County prosecutor that has successfully tried dozens of cases, so he truly understands both sides of a case and the moves that the prosecution may make before they are even made. Call the law firm today to get a free consultation of your case.
Contact a Phoenix DUI defense attorney for sound legal advice and representation today.
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