Asbestos Litigation Leader San Diego Mesothelioma Lawyer

Close collaboration with other plaintiffs' attorneys and expert witnesses

Through nearly a quarter of a century of representing asbestos victims, Frederick Schenk and his team of asbestos lawyers, and mesothelioma attorneys with Casey Gerry have worked closely with law firms around the country to identify asbestos defendants and their contributing behavior in various work sites. serpentine asbestos fibersCasey Gerry has networked and shared information with colleagues, enabling all parties to identify the manufacturers, installers, sellers and industrial users of asbestos. This cooperative work helps our clients recover damages for the injuries they suffered from their asbestos exposure.

Both asbestos litigation and mesothelioma litigation frequently require the services of expert witnesses, including physicians who can attest to the diagnosis and the progress of the disease, and industry consultants who can confirm the nature and extent of the asbestos exposure. Frederick Schenk works closely with medical and industry consultants whose accurate and knowledgeable testimony can support the claims in asbestos and mesothelioma litigation.

How Casey Gerry's leading mesothelioma lawyer Frederick Schenk can help with a mesothelioma diagnosis

Asbestos litigation and mesothelioma litigation are complex undertakings. Litigation requires documentation of the illness, including evaluation by qualified medical specialists, and the completion of extensive paperwork. Casey Gerry paralegals who have worked with Mr Schenk on asbestos claims for more than 20 years have extensive experience in helping victims with these aspects of asbestos claims and mesothelioma lawsuits. They are thoroughly familiar with the essential documents that identify where and how the disease-causing exposures occurred, and they know how to obtain them. Casey Gerry staff will assist clients with claim forms when a claim must be filed to obtain compensation for the asbestos victim and their family members.

Frederick Schenk and Casey Gerry's team of asbestos attorneys and mesothelioma lawyers and paralegals in San Diego, California have helped thousands of people through the asbestos claims process and through trials. Their work has achieved compensation for mesothelioma victims from the companies that manufactured, installed and sold asbestos products throughout the United States. Mr Schenk and his team of experienced asbestos lawyers and mesothelioma attorneys and staff are dedicated professionals, ready to assist you and your family in all aspects of the asbestos litigation and claims process.

If you or a loved one has a diagnosis of mesothelioma, there are legal steps you need to take to properly protect your interests. Mr Schenk and his team of mesothelioma lawyers and paralegals in San Diego, California will help you identify when the exposure occurred, and to which products the victim was exposed. Product identification is extremely important, as one can only hold responsible the companies that contributed substantially to the asbestos exposure which led to the disease.

Mr Schenk's team of seasoned mesothelioma lawyers and paralegals can help you in successfully resolving your asbestos-caused mesothelioma case. It is critically important to act as promptly as possible, in order to secure vital information about exposure and medical care, so that Mr Schenk and his mesothelioma team can take prompt and effective steps to help you and your family.

Asbestos Litigation Leader San Diego Mesothelioma Lawyer
Asbestos litigation leader and San Diego mesothelioma lawyer Frederick Frederick Schenk and Casey Gerry's team of asbestos attorneys and mesothelioma

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