Co-existing With Your Co-workers
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I find it amusing that when we look for a job, the questions people tend to focus on are: Where is the job located? How much does it pay? Will I like the work? Those sorts of things. What we rarely ask ourselves is: Who will I be working with? Its mostly because its one of those uncontrollable factors, but its just not a question we worry about. At least not until we start the job. We dont get to choose the people we work with. It would be great if we could, and Im sure somewhere some big exec is shaking his head muttering to himself that Im wrong, but in my experience you get what you get.
I work in a building filled with more than 400 people and the sad fact is the only thing I have in common with most of them is that I walk across the same squares of carpet as they do. We are very diverse in our interests, ages, hobbies, etc. Some people have short tempers, while others seem to have never had a bad day in their lives. But for the most part, we all get along.
How is this possible? My company puts a lot of emphasis on teamwork. They are constantly using the word team, because thats what we are. I never get to see the guys that work in I.T. (unless theres a problem), but I recognize the fact that if it werent for them, I wouldnt have a computer. Each person here plays a part and we really put a lot of focus on that philosophy. So as I walk through the hallways, I make it a point to smile and say good morning, or give the occasional wave to each person that I pass. I try to show them the same respect and appreciation that I would an external customer, because just as I depend on them, they too depend on me.
Not everyone is easy to deal with though. Some days I find myself really struggling with how to relate to certain people. In my own structured life, its hard to find a place for someone that irritates me, or that I dont see eye-to-eye with. Believe me, I am aware of the fact that we are not going to get along with everyone we work with. But that doesnt mean that those few dont deserve our respect as well. We just have to find a way to work with them and get past whatever differences we may have. We try to give external customers the best possible service in an attempt to create a successful business. So, why wouldnt we give our internal customers (our co-workers) the same courtesy? It would only lead to a more friendly and enjoyable work environment and who wouldnt love that?
Ill leave you with this I feel that each person is like a puzzle. When they are born, theyre just a jumbled up mess. But as they meet new people and learn new things, the pieces start to fall into place. And if we are lucky enough, by the time we die, we will be complete. Sure you are going to run into a few odd shaped pieces that give you trouble along the way. But I promise you, if you work with it a little bit, you can make it fit.
Have you had to work with an odd shaped piece? How did you make it work?
This entry was posted on Friday, November 18th, 2011 at 8:44 am and is filed under Central, Employees. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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