To the Cloud…or Stay Grounded?

To the Cloudor Stay Grounded?

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Before you go to the cloud, you should have an understanding of what that really means. The cloud is nothing more than a catchy buzz-word for the various networks and servers that make up the Internet; the very same Internet that you are using to access this blog post. Continuing advancements in technology are making it easier and more practical to access almost anything (documents, pictures, videos, etc.) from anywhere (mobile devices) via the cloud.

Expanding somewhat on that definition, lets discuss cloud storage. You are probably familiar with typical computer storage whereby data keyed or brought into a computer is saved to some sort of disk device. From your home PC this is generally either a local hard drive, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive (a.k.a. jump drive). This same concept also applies to a home or business network drive where the data is stored on some network computers hard drive. Cloud storage in its pure form follows a similar process but is provided as a service from a data storage company. When data is stored in the cloud, it is stored on some server within the selected companys network and is accessible over the Internet.

So why might you want to take advantage of cloud storage? The main reason is the accessibility of the data. Generally all that is needed for you to access your data is a device that is capable of connecting to the Internet from your current location. This can be the PC in your hotel lobby, a Wi-Fi connected laptop at your favorite coffee shop, or anywhere else a mobile device can get reception. You do not need access to your local PC or even have the portable storage device (CD, DVD, or flash drive) with you.

Here are some other considerations that should be taken into account before utilizing cloud storage. As with any other service, your cloud storage experience will depend on the company you choose and how well their product fits your needs. Therefore, be sure to do further research before deciding which cloud storage company to use.

  • Cost some storage companies may offer small amounts of cloud storage for free (e.g. Dropbox).
  • Data availability data may be backed-up regularly and disk drives protected against failure in order to ensure your data is available.
  • Security make sure you understand how your data will be secured both as it is transferred to/from the companys site and as it is stored on the companys servers. The level of importance here depends on the type of files you will be storing in the cloud. For example, security may not be as critical for pictures or music as it would for documents containing personal information.
  • Performance although the reliability and speed of your Internet connection will affect this, the cloud storage companys hardware and system setup will also have an impact on how fast you can access your files.

Please feel free to share your own cloud storage experiences with us.

Cloud ("nuvola" in lingua inglese) può riferirsi a: Indice 1 Fumetti 2 Informatica 3 Musica 4 Televisione 5 Videogiochi Fumetti Cloud - personaggio dei fumetti ,Cloud Strife è un personaggio secondario della serie Kingdom Hearts, proveniente dall'universo di Final Fantasy (precisamente da Final Fantasy VII).,A team of leading architects and engineers has just unveiled designs for The Cloud - a landmark structure to commemorate London's role as host of the 2012 Olympics.,Con Cloud Libero è realtà. ENTRA. Testa il deploy delle tue app PROVA gratis. il programma per startup e futuri imprenditori. SCOPRI. Chi siamo; Legal; Contatti ,A new Cloud is on the horizon Get early access and pleasantly infrequent updates. @clouddotcom ,EnterTheCloud è la community online sul mondo del Cloud. Entra e scopri le ultime novità!,WiFi connection boosts business. The Clouds wireless internet connection hotspots attract over 1m wireless internet users every month.,Benvenuti su, il sito di Aruba dedicato al Cloud. Qui puoi risparmiare, usando le tue risorse al meglio e senza alcuna limitazione hardware!,The Cloud offers public and business WiFi Internet connection and has fast and reliable WiFi services all over UK.,Il termine cloud computing si differenzia però da grid computing che è invece un paradigma orientato al calcolo distribuito e, in generale, richiede che le

Cloud computing - Wikipedia
Il termine cloud computing si differenzia però da grid computing che è invece un paradigma orientato al calcolo distribuito e, in generale, richiede che le

The Cloud - Official Site
The Cloud offers public and business WiFi Internet connection and has fast and reliable WiFi services all over UK.

Aruba Cloud: Cloud Computing e Object Storage |
Benvenuti su, il sito di Aruba dedicato al Cloud. Qui puoi risparmiare, usando le tue risorse al meglio e senza alcuna limitazione hardware!

Wireless Internet Connection - WiFi Connection | The Cloud
WiFi connection boosts business. The Clouds wireless internet connection hotspots attract over 1m wireless internet users every month.

Tutto sul cloud computing: Enter the Cloud
EnterTheCloud è la community online sul mondo del Cloud. Entra e scopri le ultime novità!

A new Cloud is on the horizon Get early access and pleasantly infrequent updates. @clouddotcom

Libero Cloud
Con Cloud Libero è realtà. ENTRA. Testa il deploy delle tue app PROVA gratis. il programma per startup e futuri imprenditori. SCOPRI. Chi siamo; Legal; Contatti

the CLOUD - - london 2012
A team of leading architects and engineers has just unveiled designs for The Cloud - a landmark structure to commemorate London's role as host of the 2012 Olympics.

Cloud Strife - Kingdom Hearts Italia Wiki
Cloud Strife è un personaggio secondario della serie Kingdom Hearts, proveniente dall'universo di Final Fantasy (precisamente da Final Fantasy VII).

Cloud - Wikipedia
Cloud ("nuvola" in lingua inglese) può riferirsi a: Indice 1 Fumetti 2 Informatica 3 Musica 4 Televisione 5 Videogiochi Fumetti Cloud - personaggio dei fumetti

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