The Bad Mood Contagion: How You Might be Ruining Someone’s Day

The Bad Mood Contagion: How You Might be Ruining Someones Day

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For the most part, I would consider myself a pretty laid back and easy going person. I am generally not quick to anger and I find that I typically start each day off in a good mood. That is of course not always the case. I have bad days just like any other person would, but I find that those days are mostly influenced by others. I am a product of my environment, I like to tell people. Simply, I let my environment, my surroundings, shape who I am at that moment in time.

If I work next to someone who is crabby and short with me, I will close up and become more quiet and reserved. Likewise, if I am having a conversation with someone who is overly energetic, I then start to talk more and show more expression. It might seem strange to some that I would let others influence me as much as I do, but this act is really more common than you might think. Its something I like to refer to as the bad mood contagion.

Try something for me. Go to Google or your search engine of choice and type in effects of bad moods. I did just that in an attempt to research this very blog and was stunned at the number of articles and papers that had been published on the topic. It seems as if everyone with a blog or website has discussed the issue at one point or another. However, rather than quoting or citing any of these articles, I will try to break it down for you in my own way. Imagine that you are out with friends, or a special someone and you decide to go to a theatre and watch a movie. Typically everyone in the audience will laugh, cry or cheer at the same time. Now try to watch that same movie several months later while sitting at home alone. How often are you really laughing out loud? Are you audibly cheering for anything?

Unfortunately bad moods are not something that you can really avoid contact with (unless you live alone in a cabin deep in the woods, in which case you may have a whole different set of issues).  But we do have control over how we react to bad moods and how much we let our own moods project onto others. Its called self-awareness. For example, if you work with the public and last night you maybe slept an hour, try not to share that bit of info with every single person you come in contact with. Uh, I can barely stand, or I cant wait for this day to be over! No one wants to hear it. Why? Because it brings them down. Likewise, if you work in an office environment and maybe youre having a run of bad luck, try not to constantly complain about your issues. Its fine to share with friends, but try a more positive outlook during your conversation.

As I write this, I realize that I more than most could benefit from being a little more self-aware. As I mentioned before, we do have control over how we react to other individuals and their attitudes. If someone walks by you and doesnt say hi, it may not have anything to do with you personally. Just because a friend is furious with a co-worker, doesnt exactly mean that you have to hate them too. Its one of those topics that can really be discussed at great length (thats probably why so many have written about it), so I will stop here. But if you have any suggestions for me on how to deal with bad moods, or maybe any advice on how I can keep my own attitude in check, I would greatly appreciate it!

Also, I have listed below a few of the more interesting articles that I came across during my research.

my husband is always in a bad mood about something and he takes It might help if you can get a babysitter once every maybe you can try to tune it down some.,Scientists say the mood you are in is just as wants to be put in a bad mood, mimicry is more common when the person is someone close to you, , if someone smiles at you, you smile of intentional mood contagion is by giving the other individual which would lead to emotional contagion and (b) , Ten Ways You're Ruining Your Mood 8:47 PM mistakes we make that might be ruining your mood overemphasize everything bad that's , these tiny things can put you in a bad mood but "smell contagion" is This might help: Surprisingly, some women in Wilcox and ,Emotional contagion is the Some group animals have even more complex behaviors based on mood, It's also thought that emotional contagion might play , and try as you might, bad mood just like face that he just loves tormenting Big Rabbit and prefers to spend his day ruining someone else's!,When you are in a bad mood, avoid doing any work as you might end up ruining it. For some people, eating helps alleviate a bad mood or frustrating situation.,If your mood is bad, youre I say this because in my experience when someone in a bad mood meets The Bad Mood Contagion: How You Might be Ruining Someone ,The Bad Mood Contagion: How You Might be Ruining Someones Day. It might seem strange to some that I would let others influence me as much as I do,

The Bad Mood Contagion: How You Might be Ruining Someone ...
The Bad Mood Contagion: How You Might be Ruining Someones Day. It might seem strange to some that I would let others influence me as much as I do,

Your Bad Mood Is As Contagious As the Common Cold Spin Sucks
If your mood is bad, youre I say this because in my experience when someone in a bad mood meets The Bad Mood Contagion: How You Might be Ruining Someone

5 Ways To Get Out Of A Bad Mood - TallGrass PR
When you are in a bad mood, avoid doing any work as you might end up ruining it. For some people, eating helps alleviate a bad mood or frustrating situation.

For Immediate Release Reviews - Kids: Big Rabbit's Bad Mood
and try as you might, bad mood just like face that he just loves tormenting Big Rabbit and prefers to spend his day ruining someone else's!

What Is Emotional Contagion? (with picture)
Emotional contagion is the Some group animals have even more complex behaviors based on mood, It's also thought that emotional contagion might play

In A Bad Mood? How To Banish 'Mood Gremlins' For Good
these tiny things can put you in a bad mood but "smell contagion" is This might help: Surprisingly, some women in Wilcox and

Happiness Busters: Ten Ways You're Ruining Your Mood ...
Ten Ways You're Ruining Your Mood 8:47 PM mistakes we make that might be ruining your mood overemphasize everything bad that's

Emotional contagion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
if someone smiles at you, you smile of intentional mood contagion is by giving the other individual which would lead to emotional contagion and (b)

Bad Moods Are Contagious (Good Moods, Too) | IdeaFeed ...
Scientists say the mood you are in is just as wants to be put in a bad mood, mimicry is more common when the person is someone close to you,

My husband is always in a bad mood...?
my husband is always in a bad mood about something and he takes It might help if you can get a babysitter once every maybe you can try to tune it down some.

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