Back to School Checklist Should Include an Insurance Check Up!
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Over the next couple weeks, well see the return of cooler temperatures, shorter days and football season Go Bucks! Its also the time of year students across the country return to school. And for college students, back to school means more than buying school supplies and new clothes.
Whether your son or daughter is just beginning their college career or returning to campus life, theres a lot to think about. Moving into a dorm or apartment, buying a new computer or furniture, taking a vehicle to school all of these big events have insurance implications. Make sure your son or daughter is protected before they head off to school with this checklist.
- Is your son or daughter taking a vehicle with them to school? If so, check with your agent to make sure the vehicle is properly insured.
- Is your child signing an apartment lease? Is a renters policy needed?
- If you are purchasing furniture and electronics to furnish a dorm room or apartment, does your homeowners policy provide enough contents coverage?
- Are they purchasing a new laptop? If they will regularly take it to class, consider scheduling the device to provide expanded coverage.
- College students can be victims of identity fraud. Many students open first-time credit lines without guidance from parents. Consider adding Identity Recovery coverage to your homeowners policy for enhanced protection.
- In most instances, your homeowners policy will extend personal liability coverage to your son or daughter while away at school. College is a big responsibility and with it comes additional exposures. Now is a good time to consider a Personal Umbrella policy to provide extra protection for you and your family.
For help with these questions and any other coverage needs for college students, contact your local independent agent today. They can help you customize your policies to meet your needs.
College is a big step for any young adult. As you help your son or daughter prepare for this milestone, what are some tips you can share that will help them succeed?
The policy coverages described above are in the most general terms and are subject to the actual policy exclusions and conditions. For specific coverage details and policy exclusions, refer to the policy itself or contact your agent.
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