Analyzing the Avengers: The Ingredients for a Strong and Diverse Team
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Throughout our lives, we as humans constantly find ourselves as members of various teams. These teams often differ in their individual agendas, but ultimately all work towards achieving some sort of goal. If you are on a business team, such as marketing or customer service, it is important to have a diverse group of people on board. We all come from different backgrounds and have a unique set of experiences that we can pull from in order to come up with valuable ideas. This very blog is the product of a team effort and was designed to be used as another tool for customer service. The old saying, two heads are better than one, is a simple means of saying that the more ideas, the more talent and strengths, the better.
To prove my point, we really dont have to look much further than the recent blockbuster The Avengers. The Avengers are the perfect example of what ingredients it takes to construct a well-rounded team.
Nick Fury. Furys role in the Avengers is crucial to the success of the team. Much like a producer on a movie set, he is in charge of gathering up the right people with the right set of skills in order to accomplish the tasks at hand. His position is not an easy one though. Fury is essentially the manager of the group which means that all complaints and a lot of the blame from their failures gets laid on him. He plays his role well, as we constantly see him encouraging his group and steering them in the right direction. And even though his team doesnt always agree with his methods, they respect him and his position. (The Manager)
Captain America/Steve Rogers. Cap is the strong-willed leader of the group that never hesitates to take charge in any situation. Hes earnest in his ways and never compromises his beliefs or values just to get ahead. He comes from an era when strong moral values were a virtue and this shows through his every action. (The Leader)
Iron Man/Tony Stark. Though Tony Stark brings a lot of comedy and wit to the team, he also knows when to be serious. Stark is always thinking on his feet and adapting to every situation, even when it seems as though he is out gunned. He is also a valuable source of technology. We have all been on a team where there is at least one person that seems to be one with technology. That person in this case is Tony Stark. In a world where the Internet and smart phones are our primary form of communication, Starks techno savvy ways are just about as valuable as the iron suits he wears. (The Tech Guy)
Bruce Banner/The Hulk. This guy may seem like a strange addition to the team. His past issues with aggression appear to present a danger to the group. But Nick Fury looked past all of that and trusted that Banner had a handle on his demons. When it comes to intelligence, Banner is second to none. Although this person is the embodiment of both brains and brawn, it is his knowledge that guides the team throughout the film. (The Brains)
Thor. Once a cruel and vain individual, Thor now dedicates his life to helping those in need. He is kinda like the big brother in the group, the guy that is always watching out for you. Thors greatest power doesnt come from his hammer, but rather his ability to be selfless and kind. Hes been places and seen things that most people only ever read about, which allow him to be more open-minded than the rest. (The Free Thinker)
Hawkeye/Clint Barton. Hawkeye has the goofiest back story of all the Avengers, but I guess its all silly in the end. He grew up in the circus and that is where he honed his skills as an archer. Barton wasnt given strength by a lab accident or super suit. He earned it by dedicating years to his craft. He recognized early on in life what his skills were and he focused on being the best at it. This level of hard work is difficult, if not rare, to come by which makes Hawkeye a wise choice for the team. (The Dedicated Worker)
Black Widow/Natalia Romanova. The Widow is a lot like Barton in the sense that she had to work hard to get where she is. But unlike Barton, the Black Widow possesses the ability to read and understand people. Shes the information gatherer. Whenever the team gets hung up on the why or how of things, they send in Natalia to collect valuable data. (The Researcher)
Diversity in both strength and background is important when it comes to teams. If everyone performed and acted the same way, the team would become predictable and never grow. It isnt always easy to see why someone might have been chosen as a member, but typically everyone is picked because they bring something different to the table. In what ways do you yourself fit into the team you are on? What different types of teams are you a member of? Family, work, sports? And what is something unique that you bring to the group? In essence, what is your super power?
These teams often differ in their individual it is important to have a diverse group of Analyzing the Avengers: The Ingredients for a Strong and Diverse
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